Why do you think the corporate counsel has responded in this way?

Based on what you know about developing ethical cultures and programs, Identify the problems presented by this case. Why do you think the corporate counsel has responded in this way? What will be your response to him, if any? As a consultant, what are your ethical obligations, if any? How will you proceed?  

Write a short research paper on the development of Internet 2 and how this deployment of this network will impact corporate WANs based on the Internet.

Write a short research paper on the development of Internet 2 and how this deployment of this network will impact corporate WANs based on the Internet. Devise a strategy for connecting LANs for a single corporation with four geographically separate entities into a single corporate wide area networ  

Why is coverage of white-collar crime in the media important?

Advanced Topics in Business and Management Choose ONE of these questions and write a short essay about it . 1. Given the ambiguities and concerns over how we define it, in what ways is the concept of “white-collar crime” still useful? 2. “An analysis of the concepts of ‘white-collar’ and ‘corporate’ crime should only include […]

How did BWF use branding, promotion, and customer relationship management to communicate its value proposition?

Strategic Management Read the case “Better World Fashion: Circular Economy and Competitive Advantage”. In light of the case AND scholarly articles to support your analyses, answer the following questions. Clarifications: only use the case narrative How did BWF position its products and target its market segments? Explain. [ How did BWF use branding, promotion, and […]

Describe at least two ways in which a corporate strategy is different from a business unit strategy.

Business strategy Overview Defining a business strategy is part of the strategic planning process and is necessary for achieving the company’s goals and objectives. The steps involved in creating a business strategy are critical and it is imperative that the appropriate amount of time is spent in getting it just right. As the director of […]

Determine business level and corporate level strategies for a corporation’s long-term success comparable to the competitive environment.

Assess the business-level strategies you believe to be most appropriate for the corporation’s long-term success. Support your position with specific evidence. Assess the corporate-level strategies you believe to be most appropriate for the corporation’s long-term success. Support your position with specific evidence. Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Be sure […]

Discuss the difference between Corporate Strategy and Business Strategy

Write a one-page well-integrated essay (500 words maximum, excluding the title, reference pages, and appendices) to: o Discuss the difference between Corporate Strategy and Business Strategy o discuss what the different approaches are to gain vertical integration advantages and the cost and benefits of the various kind of value-added chain activities o discuss how an […]

What factors should the staff consider when determining new sources of business to replace the old corporate contracts?

case study Read the attached case study on Rate Resistance and answer the following 3 questions. Be sure to read the chapter and the notes in their entirety prior to completing the case study. Your answers should reflect the material presented in the chapter. Questions: What are some of the criteria the sales staff should […]

What is the interest rate for an initial investment of $100,000 to grow to $300,000 in 10 years?

The purpose of this assignment is to allow the student to calculate the project cash flow using net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and the payback methods. Assignment Steps Resources: Corporate Finance Create a 350-word memo to management including the following: Describe the use of internal rate of return (IRR), net present […]

Do you believe that penetration pricing or skim pricing will be better at raising a company’s or a business unit’s operating profit in the long run?

Operations Strategy 8-1. How can an Operations Strategy be used to understand and exploit a particular product offering? 8-2. How are corporate scenarios used in the development of an effective strategy? 8-3. Are functional strategies interdependent, or can they be formulated independently of other functions? 8-4. Do you believe that penetration pricing or skim pricing […]