What in your corporate work-corporate environment experiences corresponds to what was described in your reaction?

Management in the Corporate Workplace STEP 1 Read each article. Write a 200 word reaction to each of them. It can include things like: What was new or surprised you? What you agree or disagree? What in your own experience corresponds to what you read? What was the main ‘takeaway’? Should your peers read it […]

What were the two most important takeaways from this module related to ethics?

Organizational change and ethics – Strategic Management The Module 10 material focused on organizational change and ethics. Considering the material you were asked to read, watch, and/or review this week,answer the following questions: 1. If you were giving a unit director advice about leading a corporate change effort, what two things would you stress as […]

What solutions would you recommend to management that would help solve the identified weaknesses?

ORGANIZATIONAL ISSUES AND SOLUTIONS The new CEO has selected your consulting firm to provide an analysis of the organizational efficiency. Write a 2–3 page, double-spaced paper in which you will present to the CEO your findings during your research steps. You must propose strategic solutions in your paper to include the following: Describe the organization […]

Discuss the key challenges in Disney’s corporate strategy. In your analysis, consider Disney’s current strategy, issues in their strategy (Incorporate game theory in the analysis), and connect it to their external environment. Based on the above question, provide one key recommendation to improve Disney’s corporate strategy to its CEO Iger.

Discuss the key challenges in Disney’s corporate strategy. In your analysis, consider Disney’s current strategy, issues in their strategy (Incorporate game theory in the analysis), and connect it to their external environment. Based on the above question, provide one key recommendation to improve Disney’s corporate strategy to its CEO Iger.

Does increased regulation of corporations result in increased corporate compliance?Discuss.

“What’s Compliance Worth?” Dr. Roger Miles, Thomson Reuters Risk Management Solutions, available at Please write a short paper discussing this article and addressing the questions listed below. Explain your opinion/point of view and provide support from the content, materials, and themes explored in this course. (Approximate length: 4–6 pages) • What is corporate compliance worth? […]

Analyze how corporate governance issues affect shareholder wealth.

1 Conduct research on a particular company regarding corporate governance issues. 2 Analyze how corporate governance issues affect shareholder wealth. 3 Analyze corporate investment and financing decisions and their effects on the firm’s value. 4 Evaluate corporate dividend policies that affect wealth creation. 5 Assess the impact on the value of a firm through a […]