How does confidentiality relate to informed consent, and what are some legal exceptions to confidentiality?

2 discussion posts Part 1 Define informed consent based on what you have learned from your readings. Think about your chosen field in psychology (school psychology). How do professionals in your field establish informed consent documents or agreements with those they serve? How does confidentiality relate to informed consent, and what are some legal exceptions […]

Is there any correlation between disadvantaged youth in an urban setting and completion/non-completion of a high school diploma or GED?

GED or High school diplomas Prompt: Is there any correlation between disadvantaged youth in an urban setting and completion/non-completion of a high school diploma or GED? Is there any correlation between disadvantaged youth in a rural setting and completion/non-completion of a high school diploma or GED? What advantages are gained by earning a high school […]

What is your opinion on the bad mutation of sickle cell anemia, write a little about the neutral mutation as well.

Correlation between sickle cell anemia and resistance to malaria (about mutations) Research and discuss the correlation between sickle cell anemia and resistance to malaria. What is your opinion on the bad mutation of sickle cell anemia, write a little about the neutral mutation as well. Cite your scholarly sources.

Is the correlation you obtained in cell A13 positive or negative?  State your result in cell A15.  Explain what it means in cell A16.

We would like learn about the correlation coefficient using Excel. Lets look at the following question. To find out how genetically related the cholesterol level is, they measured the cholesterol level of eight mothers and their daughters. They obtained the following data.   Mother Her daughter 157                           154 189                           150 201                           184 174                           170 159                           […]

Do you suspect the relation is positive-negative? Why-Which would be considered the independent variable-which the dependent variable? Why?

Regression and Correlation Look back to the raw data you collected in week 1. There are 7 variables listed: Vehicle type/class Year Make Model Price MPG (city) MPG (highway) Choose TWO variables that you feel are correlated and explain why you feel that they are correlated. Do you suspect the relation is positive or negative? […]

Explain why this type of analysis is most appropriate for your research

Data Analysis Plan For this section of your research proposal assignment, you will carefully design a plan for analyzing your quantitative data. Explain in detail how you will go about analyzing your data. Be sure to add this in order1-6. 1.Include definitions of all variables 2.Identify your null hypothesis and research hypothesis 3.Include the type […]

What is the basis for their argument-What might be an explanation for their strange conclusion?

Correlation or causation? Because economics deals with real-world situations, it is difficult to hold the kind of experiment necessary to prove absolute causation. Economic tools can easily uncover correlations, which show relationships between two factors. Remember, though, that no matter how concrete they may seem, these correlations do not prove causation. Confusing causation with correlation […]

How does this information change how you view chemical dependency-treatment for addiction?

Chemical dependency watch youtube video Addicts Among Us (10/2019) PBS.After watching the film, answer the following questions (using full sentences, 1-2 pages total). Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) can have significant impact on development. Provide 2-3 examples of an ACE and how this can impact the children. What did you learn about the correlation between ACEs […]