Do you think science and religion are compatible when it comes to understanding cosmology (the origin of the universe), biology (the origin of life and of the human species), ethics, and/or the human mind (minds, brains, souls, and free will)?

Not only does Peterson ( argue that science and religion are able to exist without problems or conflict but they may be complementary. In other words, they may provide insights helpful to the other. Draft a five-paragraph essay discussing the extent to which science and religion are indeed compatible. Do you think science and religion […]

How did religion and ritual relate to the creation and maintenance of royal authority? What were the differences and/or similarities between the religious practice of Maya nobility and Maya commoners?

What role did religion and ritual play in Maya society? For this essay, address the following question: what role did religion and ritual play in Maya society? Obviously, this is an enormously broad question, yet there are multiple aspects of Maya culture you may investigate to address it. For example, how did religion and ritual […]