How does the cost of living in your peers’ state compare to the state you have selected?

Inflation and Cost of Living In this discussion you will expand on your understanding of inflation and its impact on cost of living by comparing the cost of living in two states. In your initial post, ou will reflect on how these two key economic indicators affect your own life by responding to the following: […]

How might you, as a health care manager, use the cost allocation method to assign costs to support activities to patient services?

Consider how a health care manager might use the differences between direct costs and variable costs in making decisions. How might you, as a health care manager, use the cost allocation method to assign costs to support activities to patient services?

Pick the two best options out of the 7 then explain the reason why you will give these two a try.

Researching best cloud solution for your eCommerce Business Part 1: Research the cost, reliability, or other factors of 7 cloud solutions and explain the cost and reliability for each. Make sure you create a table to clearly showing the cost, reliability, and other factors you researched on each cloud platform. Part 2: Pick the two […]

Explain the type of cost system you plan to implement in your company and identify any major challenges in implementing your cost system. Suggest a way to overcome the identified challenges.

Description For this assignment, you will decide what type of budget to implement for a start-up company. Write a 4 page paper in which you:(Tilte page and reference page not included in page count) Summarize the type of manufacturing company you plan to start up and determine how you will design the value chain for […]

What is your upfront cost for all options to purchase this equipment?

1NEWEQUIPMENT-TOPAYCASH,RENT,GETALOAN,ORLEASE?ESF needs new, state of the art equipment. The management team has already identified a vendor for this equipment and a package that costs $50,000. Your manager would like you to present how you would like to purchase this equipment. Answer the questions below and present your recommendation to your manager based on the information […]

Discuss whether it is ethical for Ann to submit a budget for an amount higher than the cost expected to be incurred.

Case Study As manager of the waste treatment facility for the city of Columbus Park, Illinois, Ann Paxton is in the process of preparing an annual expense budget. While eating lunch at her desk, she thought about the coming year. “Next year, my department will probably be asked to process some 9,000,000 gallons of waste. […]

Check that the gap between total cost and total variable cost is the same at all output levels.  Explain why this relationship is so important and demonstrate clear insightful and critical thinking

· Assess data (in the table below) related to a small lawn mowing business. Angela hires students at $40 a day to mow lawns. Regardless of the number of students she hires, Angela leases five lawn mowers for $200 a day. The following table gives the daily output: Labor (students per day) Total Product (lawns […]