What is the counterargument (opposing point of view) that Amy Zhang acknowledges and refutes?

Discussion Questions: Zhang’s “Slow Down and Eat Better” What is Amy Zhang’s claim (position)? What reasons (logical arguments) does Amy Zhang give to support her claim? Provide one example of evidence (information from sources that support the reasons) that you found to be particularly effective. Why did this stand out to you? What is the […]

Why is your major important for the world?” and/or “Why is your major rewarding for you?

Logistics Address one or both of these questions: “Why is your major important for the world?” and/or “Why is your major rewarding for you?” Include an underlined topic statement that includes a counterargument and a reason. Major is supply chain management

How thoroughly did the paper identify the different sides of the argument?-How seriously did the author treat counterarguments?

End The War On Black Americans: A Call To Defund The Police This is a persuasive essay. The position for the paper is FOR Defunding The Police to protect Black communities. How clear and relevant was your argument, and how did you back it up with evidence? Did you give a relatively complete account of […]