What are the advantages and disadvantages to each approach?

1) Following an aerosol release of anthrax, mass dispensing of medical countermeasures would be needed to limit morbidity and mortality. Multiple approaches to medical countermeasure dispensing in the form of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) have been examined: 1) points of dispensing (PODs), 2) pre-positioning of medical countermeasures, and 3) using the US Postal Service to distribute […]

Describe the steps you would take to determine the needs of the organization (the discovery of the network devices)

1. Describe the steps you would take to determine the needs of the organization (the discovery of the network devices) 2. Detail the countermeasures (and tools) you would put in place. *******(Note: You are not limited to following the steps/countermeasures described in your textbook. If there are additional steps you would take please list them […]