Identify and select a present-day or historical terrorist group.

In this assignment, you will develop a group profile for a historical or present-day terrorist group that you have identified. In 2–3 pages, address the following: – Identify and select a present-day or historical terrorist group. Identify the group’s underlying motivation, purpose, and objectives. – Develop the group’s profile by constructing a background and discussion […]

How does cyber and social media fit in?

Research Paper: A Comprehensive Examination of Counterterrorism Overview The student will complete a Comprehensive Examination of Counterterrorism. This paper will be exhaustive. The student will provide the following using these headings: the purpose and need to understand, define, and analyze terrorism; discussion of behavioral traits, suspicious activity, radicalization and recruitment for and of terrorism; intelligence […]

Identify and select a present day terrorist group to describe and develope a group profile.

History of terrorism Identify and select a present day terrorist group to describe and develope a group profile. Adress the following. Develop the groups profile by crafting a background and discussion on how you selected group was established how it evolved and how it ceased to exist. If the group is still operating outline why […]

Why does the problem persist identify the major factors that contribute to the problem’s ongoing presence?

Analyze ways to improve counterterrorism efforts within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Analyze ways to improve counterterrorism efforts with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This analysis project requires you to tackle the problem by first exploring it, its causes, and its impacts. Then recommend practical solutions to solve the problem. Here are questions […]

Which lead agency in the United States is responsible for investigating terrorist organizations and attacks?

Counterterrorism and Organized Crime Operations You are a law enforcement executive, and you are asked by the Police Executive Research Forum to prepare a white paper related to terrorism and organized crime from a command and control perspective. Address the following in your paper: Which lead agency in the United States is responsible for investigating […]

What ethical implications are inherent in this decision to employ advanced technology in battlefields far removed from the American homeland, with weapons that cannot be defended against by our adversaries?Discuss

Write a two-page paper discussing the strengths and weaknesses of what you perceive the Obama administration’s counterterrorism strategy to have been in 2016. Your paper should address the following questions: What ethical implications are inherent in this decision to employ advanced technology in battlefields far removed from the American homeland, with weapons that cannot be […]

How could the authors incorporate this information into the article?

In this article, the authors lay out a simple, back-of-the-envelope approach for evaluating the costs and benefits of counterterrorism spending that uses only four variables: the consequences of a successful attack, the likelihood of a successful attack, the degree to which the security measure reduces risk, and the cost of the security measure. To illustrate […]