How many ways are there to choose 3 people to be president, vice-president, and secretary out of 20 people?

Description for which one video is a demonstration of how to calculate factorial, nCr, and nPr on Microsoft Excel. Then, please decide which counting rule or method applies for any of the following problems: 1. How many ways are there to choose 3 people out of 20 people? 2. How many ways are there to […]

Using the mean and standard deviation from the Descriptive Statistics, calculate the interval in which about 95% of the data should lie according to the Empirical Rule.

1) Using the mean and standard deviation from the Descriptive Statistics, calculate the interval in which about 68% of the data should lie according to the Empirical Rule.2) From the sorted column A, find the percentage of data that actually lie in your interval calculated in 1) by counting the number of values that fit […]