Identify and explain 4 exceptions to the exclusionary rule established by the U.S. Supreme Court that allow for the search and/or seizure of evidence without a warrant.

Law enforcement officers and crime scene technicians must use caution and protect themselves at all times from contracting AIDS or hepatitis. Bodily fluids must always be treated as though they were infectious. Crime scene technicians most often use dust particle masks or N-95 masks at routine crime scenes. They are considered the most common type […]

Analyze how the scholarly publication coverage, the newspaper coverage, the television coverage, and the blog coverage of the topic differed. Which was most/least comprehensive in its coverage, and which was most/least informative? Was there evidence of political or informational bias in the way the material was presented in each medium?

Analyze the coverage of campaign finance law by examining a recent scholarly publication; the Pew Research Center’s survey of public opinion “What kinds of Supreme Court cases interest Americans? Not campaign finance” (April 10, 2014); a newspaper story on the April 2, 2014 Supreme Court ruling on political donation caps; a television news story; a […]

Discuss the Hornaday court’s interpretation of the definition of “possession”. In your answer, indicate whether you agree with the court’s analysis – include whether Hornaday followed precedent, or exercised judicial review of legislation defining possession in the sense that the court’s definition is strained and illogical. If the latter, does the court abuse its discretion?

Briefly discuss the Hornaday court’s interpretation of the definition of “possession”. In your answer, indicate whether you agree with the court’s analysis – include whether Hornaday followed precedent, or exercised judicial review of legislation defining possession in the sense that the court’s definition is strained and illogical. If the latter, does the court abuse its […]

What is the case history and background? What is the legal outcome and decision of the court?

U.S. Supreme Court Carpenter v. United States decision to public safety and privacy issues. Discuss the following and including speaker notes: What is the case history and background? What is the legal outcome and decision of the court? What are the implications of the legal outcome on public safety and privacy?

Discuss how the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice has affected or may affect the overall direction of the court.

Discussion #2 and so on…. so I do not loose track. Discussion 1: Discuss how the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice has affected or may affect the overall direction of the court. Discussion 2: Discuss how the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice has affected or may affect the overall direction of the court. […]

Write a case note on a Court or Tribunal decision relating to COVID-19 in Melbourne Australia.

1. Write a case note on a Court or Tribunal decision relating to COVID-19 in Melbourne Australia. 2. The chosen decision must fit within the following parameters: – It must have been handed down / published since March 2020 – It must focus on workplace relations (not another area of law) – It must relate […]

Explain why the court got this correct AND explain why the court was wrong. Lastly, if you were the 10th justice how would you vote and why?

Business Law I – Week 4 Assignment10th Justice; Takings ClauseAs you learned this week, the government can enact the concept of eminent domain and “take” private property so long as it is for the “public use” and the owner is justly compensated. This concept is hotly contested and often results in a clash between property […]

Explain why you have chosen the position that you have (using facts and empirical data).

Read the documentPreview the document submitted by the American Sociological Association (ASA) to the United States Supreme Court regarding a Michigan Law School case. The goal is for you to engage the empirical data and summary arguments while drawing your own conclusions about the college admission process. After reading the ASA’s position on this case, […]

What is jurisdiction, and how does it impact state and federal courts?,What is concurrent jurisdiction?

Paper details: Assignment Details Jurisdiction is very important within the court system because it is what decides whether the state or federal government has the authority to prosecute the case. In a 2–3-page paper, research the following: What is jurisdiction, and how does it impact state and federal courts? What is concurrent jurisdiction? Provide 2 […]

Relevance of these essential elements?

Relevance of these essential elements? … let’s look more closely at each in turn! Element 1: Exclusive possession (Slide 27) The fundamental characteristic of a lease and key distinguishing feature in the lease/licence divide (which we discuss below). So, what does exclusive possession look like? Exclusive possession = rights of temporary ownership of the land; […]