Which of the following is a counter claim to a decision made by the Supreme Court?

1.Which of the following is a counter claim to a decision made by the Supreme Court? dissenting opinion ruling opinion of the court oral Argument 2.Prepare for your research. List the all current Supreme Court Justices and one interesting fact about each. You can use the internet, local library, or contact the news media in […]

What role do court decisions play in creating law? Is every court decision of equal importance in every circumstance? Explain why, or why not.

At each level of our government – federal and state – the governing bodies are organized into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial (called a “tripartite” form of government). Some would add to this list a fourth, hybrid, branch comprised of administrative agencies (this because the administrative agencies encompass all three functions: rule making, enforcement, […]

Identify and explain 4 exceptions to the exclusionary rule established by the U.S. Supreme Court that allow for the search and/or seizure of evidence without a warrant.

Law enforcement officers and crime scene technicians must use caution and protect themselves at all times from contracting AIDS or hepatitis. Bodily fluids must always be treated as though they were infectious. Crime scene technicians most often use dust particle masks or N-95 masks at routine crime scenes. They are considered the most common type […]

Discuss why you agree or disagree that the Virginia court has personal jurisdiction over Clean 

Background/Facts:  Determining jurisdiction in the courts can be confusing and complicated, but it is an important legal doctrine that businesses cannot ignore.  Jurisdiction can affect business operations and determine business decisions, such as where the business is located and where and how to advertise and market the business.  Where there are questions about possible jurisdiction […]

Summarize your analysis of how the case will impact businesses in general, including both positive and negative impacts.

    1.Articulate the context and relevance of law in a business environment: -Identify the parties who are before the court. -Provide a brief background and context associated with the case. Summarize the facts in no more than 2–3 paragraphs. -Identify the specific disagreement between the parties. -Explain the ruling of the court and its […]

State and explain why evidence must be relevant to a case being investigated to be admitted into court.

State and explain why evidence must be relevant to a case being investigated to be admitted into court. Cite 2 items of evidence that would likely be considered irrelevant as evidence, and explain why they would be irrelevant. In the United States, there are forensic databases that are accessible to law enforcement and corrections to […]

Discuss:How did the Court reach its decision in the case?What is the ratio decidendi of the case?

1. How did the Court reach its decision in the case? (45%) 1.b. What is the ratio decidendi of the case? (5%) 2. Do you find the Court’s decision to be convincing? Which decision do you prefer (Lady Hale or Lord Carnwarth Give reasons for your answer. (50%) PART B: Research Essay (worth 70% of […]