What new, specific policy would you propose to make improvements in the sector of the Criminal Justice system that you have chosen?

Criminal justice policy discussion Write your thoughts about one of the prompts below, or write a reflection about the most interesting thing you learned while reading the chapter this week. Your response should be 2-3 paragraphs in length. Prompts • Which sector of the Criminal Justice System (Law Enforcement, Courts, Corrections) could be improved upon […]

What is the main argument or point of the article,-chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get across in the reading?

The courts 1. What is the general topic of the article, chapter or reading selection? 2.Summarize the article, chapter or reading selection: 3.What is the main argument or point of the article, chapter or reading selection? What did the author(s) want to get across in the reading? 4.Discuss at least one main point or part […]

Critically evaluate whether the doctrine of confidence adequately protects individuals.

Description “While the courts have long protect personal confidences, in England (in contrast to some other states), there is no general ‘right of privacy’ as such” R.Jacob, D, Alexander and M. Fisher, Guidebook to Intellectual property, (sixth edition, Hart publishing) Critically evaluate whether the doctrine of confidence adequately protects individuals.

Examine the administration of the courts when addressing sentence alternatives. Analyze the American correctional system and its use of alternative programs when administering justice.

Examine the organizational structure and the administration process of the U.S. justice system. Differentiate among the various components that influence the administration of the criminal justice system. Describe the use of force and the use of discretion in criminal investigation. Examine the administration of the courts when addressing sentence alternatives. Analyze the American correctional system […]

Discuss “The courts endeavour to update the principles of equity so that they are relevant to contemporary commercial realities. However, it is not an easy task- and certain issues are perhaps not as settled as they should be.” Using the UK Law,with relevance to * Breach of trust [OR] * Third party liability [OR] * Tracing.

“The courts endeavour to update the principles of equity so that they are relevant to contemporary commercial realities. However, it is not an easy task- and certain issues are perhaps not as settled as they should be.” Using the UK Law, discuss with relevance to * Breach of trust [OR] * Third party liability [OR] * Tracing.

Using authority discuss the approach taken by the courts to the classification of contractual terms.

‘In some cases, the parties themselves may have described particular terms as conditions in a written contract. As an examination of the cases on innominate terms will show, the courts will not always regard such terminology as decisive1 .’ Using authority discuss the approach taken by the courts to the classification of contractual terms.

Discuss the specific topic of the paper and why it is important to society and/or to you personally.

Content page count will be no less than 20 pages and no more than 25 pages. • Arial 12-point font, double-spaced, standard one-inch margins. • No graphs or images within the body of the paper (May be used in the Appendix). • Citations will be standard in-text or parenthetical citations within the paper with a […]