Discuss What is a penalty clause and why do the courts in England refuse to enforce such clauses? What is the impact of the decision of the Supreme Court in Cavendish Square Holdings? What are the tests that the courts apply when deciding whether or not a clause is a penalty? Does the penalty clause rule only apply to sums payable on a breach of contract? If so, why? And most important, arguments in support of the decision to retain the penalty clause.

What should be included: What is a penalty clause and why do the courts England in England refuse to enforce such clauses? What is the impact of the decision of the Supreme Court in Cavendish Square Holdings? What are the tests that the courts apply when deciding whether or not a clause is a penalty? […]

Explain, in your own words, the unconscionability doctrine, when the unconscionability doctrine applies generally, and how courts apply it.

One of the important legal doctrines you studied in this module/week is the doctrine of unconscionability. Unconscionability is a relatively modern development in contract law, and some see it as a controversial one. This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to describe your understanding of the doctrine of unconscionability, apply that understanding by explaining […]

Explain how the three careers represent the component they belong to. For example, if your suggested career is a victim rights advocate, which component (policing, courts, corrections) does this career most closely align to, and how is it representative of the goals or mission of that component?

Explain how the three careers represent the component they belong to. For example, if your suggested career is a victim rights advocate, which component (policing, courts, corrections) does this career most closely align to, and how is it representative of the goals or mission of that component?