What are some possible social supports that can aid victims in the U.S.?

Mandatory lockdowns, quarantines, and shelter-in-place orders meant to contain COVID-19 have created a shadow pandemic of domestic abuse, says physician Kemi DaSilva-Ibru. Sharing alarming statistics on the rise of gender-based violence worldwide, she describes how Nigeria quickly retrained a squadron of basic health care providers to respond to the crisis and shares lessons other countries […]

How would you respond to calls to share your company’s IP and under what circumstances-How would a Biblical worldview influence your decisions?

Thread: The companies that developed the vaccines and treatments in the covid pandemic provide very real-life, real-time examples of the questions of protecting patents as business assets while answering social responsibility concerns. As the CEO of one of these companies, how would you respond to calls to share your company’s IP and under what circumstances? […]

What type of advanced planning could have potentially affected the impact of Covid on both individuals and communities? Be specific.

Quarantine is sometimes used to contain or minimize exposure to potential infectious disease outbreaks. Self-Quarantine has been a common public health recommendation throughout the Covid pandemic. Such mechanisms can be both legally and morally controversial. Consider the following questions in your assignment response: What are the “pro” arguments for implementing quarantine and/or self-quarantine measures? What […]