What new technology is coming out, what social change is happening.

New metaverse games based on artificial intelligence 1. Introduction – social situation pandemic of Covid impact of AI, e.g., image processing (GAN and etc.) Natural language processing (Transformer, i.e., Bert, GTP-3 and etc.) – New trends Covid and AI give our society an huge impact to make it change into a new society. for example, […]

What new technology is coming out, what social change is happening.

New metaverse games based on artificial intelligence 1. Introduction – social situation pandemic of Covid impact of AI, e.g., image processing (GAN and etc.) Natural language processing (Transformer, i.e., Bert, GTP-3 and etc.) – New trends Covid and AI give our society an huge impact to make it change into a new society. for example, […]

Do you think food service operations have had to change the way they produce meals since covid?

Is a nutrition discussion Do you think food service operations have had to change the way they produce meals since covid? Do you think it effected the way they cook the food or is there some other aspect that changed. Mention what part of food production changed and why do you think it changed.  

Identify the current visitor economy system weaknesses in your destination that covid brought to light.

INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT Background: You have been hired as a risk and resilience expert by the DMO of the destination your group chose (HELSINKI) to develop a long-term destination resilience action plan that will enhance the visitor economy system. You are being brought onboard today in the current continuing aftermath of covid which has had a […]

How/Did communities come together in crisis to support each other-How can the economy be rebuilt in a way that works for more people?

Five Questions In class we talked about the big questions we want the Bronx Covid Economy Reporting project to engage with. These are the meta questions: Why was Covid so bad here? Why did more Latinos than other race/ethnic groups die from Covid? How did the legacies of redlining and structural racism shape what happened […]

Describe meetings that you have had in regards to your concern;

Appeal to get accepted in university degree after receiving two request to withdraw Write an appeal letter about an appeal to get accepted in the university after receiving two requests to withdraw in my previous study. framework 1. Your letter of appeal is addressing your previous academic performance 2. An indication of any factors or […]

What strategies are leaders in your organization using to motivate employees in your organization?

Week 4 Discussion Reply to the following using at least 175 words per reply. Be professional and constructive in your reply. Be sure to use FULL APA references as well as in-text citations. 1. As we all experienced and continue to face the Covid Crisis, so too are many projects within businesses. Some complex projects […]

Discuss alternative methods in carrying out the group report if given the chance to do the group task again.

Individual Reflective report – a Strategic Financial Management Report for a Multinational Company (Tesco) Introduction – In this section, you should provide a short summary of your group work and the approaches taken to complete the group work. Reflection – In this section you need to address the elements request in the individual reflective report […]

What do you do to treat that person in a humane way as a CBT counsellor?

Comparative Theories and Approaches in Counselling 2.2.  if you have a person who is very worry for covid,  the experience to be reavement, perhaps they’ve experienced a relationship breakup and they’re very upset. What do you do to treat that person in a humane way as a CBT counsellor? You can’t just say oh shut […]

How does the Ryder Cup deliver the services to its customers?

How does the Ryder Cup deliver the services to its customers? Talk about the Fan zones, and how this attracts the fans and they enjoy it .Talk about the spectator villages Talk about all the other services that attracts the audience to come and watch and enjoy the facilities etc.Talk about the grandstands, and if […]