What ways might COVID have impacted international business? Identify and discuss 3 impacts.

Midterm exam As a result of many factors, technological advances being probably the most major one, international business commerce has exploded over the last 30 years. For many companies and countries, this has been a game changer. As with anything, numerous problems also have come to light, including international legal challenges, social justice issues, and […]

What ways might COVID have impacted international business? Identify and discuss 3 impacts.

Midterm exam One other suggestion: many students have found it helpful to draft out the discussion of the three points before actually writing the introduction. As a result of many factors, technological advances being probably the most major one, international business commerce has exploded over the last 30 years. For many companies and countries, this […]

write a 8 page memo on how two countries -one handling the pandemic well and one handling the pandemic poorly—are confronting this huge challenge.

Comparative Public Admin Assignment Eight is the final memo. You launched this task in Assignment Six. Now, write a 8 page memo on how two countries -one handling the pandemic well and one handling the pandemic poorly—are confronting this huge challenge. Use the ideas and resources from Assignment Six. Incorporate !earnings from the three textbooks […]

: Choose a location. Identify a specific, publicly observable behavior and spend 2 one-hour sessions observing the behavior. Discuss

The project guidelines for project 1 read: Project 1, Qualitative Observations, 100 points: Students will observe social behaviors at a chosen location for a specified amount of time, take field notes, practice coding, and write a formal report detailing the methodology and an interpretation of findings. Observation: Choose a location. Identify a specific, publicly observable […]

Yet through COVID the government has proven that they can provide financial support at record speed for businesses and industries. Why? When will the government identify this lacuna and suggest solutions.Discuss

research into a specific area: The impact of the financial crisis on single parent families and the governments lack of financial help/refusal to support a Child maintenance service package afforded to children, the most vulnerable in society, our future; for decades. Yet through COVID the government has proven that they can provide financial support at […]

How will contemporary issues such as Brexit and Covid impact an organisations recruitment and selection practices, policies and procedures in the next decade?Discuss

The question is: How will contemporary issues such as Brexit and Covid impact an organisations recruitment and selection practices, policies and procedures in the next decade? max word count is 4000 excluding references

Discuss how has covid changed the sports management industry

Description My topic is “how has covid changed the sports management industry” There is a bit of controversy these days regarding whether or not an entrepreneur needs to write a complete business plan. If you are applying for funding as a non-profit, many still require this. Others see the business plan as a waste of […]

How can we “enforce” social norms like not smoking and mask wearing in spite of not being able to enforce the rules or levy consequences?Discuss

In class we have discussed “ownership” in public health… in other words we are all responsible for our community’s public health to some degree. Colleges and universities have emphasized this idea of owning your role in public health by allowing student-run courts to “prosecute” rule breakers via a COVID Community Court. Read the following article […]

Explain What do you now know about the COVID pandemic?

This is NOT an essay/research. This is a reflective/opinion piece. NO references What do you now know about the COVID pandemic? Write a short text (~200 words) on what you now consider to be key issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic and reflect upon the extent to which your understanding of the pandemic and the […]