What were the characteristics that separated those businesses from the ones that failed?

30 – 35 page research proposal (Utilizing scholarly articles and research) and PowerPoint slideshow with speaker notes on the the following question: “Among small US businesses that existed before Covid19 and managed to survive and remain in business throughout and after the pandemic, what were the characteristics that separated those businesses from the ones that […]

List and explain in detail 5 effects weight training and conditioning have on the body composition and physical capacities of college students during confinement by Covid19.

Weight training List and explain in detail 5 effects weight training and conditioning have on the body composition and physical capacities of college students during confinement by Covid19.

Write Covid test results have taken a long time throughout the pandemic

Implementing technology and digital tools in geriatric care. Consider this background information:Write Covid test results have taken a long time throughout the pandemic (https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-it-take-to-get-covid-results). This impacts covid management in congregate living, such as long-term care. We implemented the ID Now lab within our long-term care facility to identify viruses such as Covid19, Influenza A & […]

What are some of the connections between the crisis of liberal world order, the rise of white nationalism and the politics of gender and sexuality?

Writers choice, you can find the essay questions in the instructions 1. Is the current crisis of liberal world order a crisis of US authority or reflective of a broader crisis of liberalism? 2. Can the current crisis of liberal world order be understood without taking into account colonialism? 3. What is the role of […]

Describe international HR staffing approaches and practices pre-covid19 crisis.

Read Chapter 8 (Ritzer & Dean) – attached Read Chapter 9 (Deresky) – attached WITH REFERENCE TO AT LEAST TWO CONCEPTS from EACH OF THE TWO readings (please bold them): 1) Describe international HR staffing approaches and practices pre-covid19 crisis. 2) Describe how you think these approaches and practices might change after the crisis, based […]

Explain Why is the misleading visualization a problem? Can you find a visualization that tells a more accurate story? Is it okay to exaggerate a visualization for effect?

Covid19 Search online for a misleading statistical visualization. Post the link, briefly describe what the author hopes to convey, and explain why the visualization is misleading. Why is the misleading visualization a problem? Can you find a visualization that tells a more accurate story? Is it okay to exaggerate a visualization for effect? Suggest at […]