consider how historical perspectives and sources influence how research questions are written and revised.

Topic: Creation of Earth day In this activity, you will consider how historical perspectives and sources influence how research questions are written and revised. Prompt Use the Module Three Activity Revising Questions Template Word Document to complete this activity. First, use your primary and secondary sources to help you choose a historical perspective (social, political, […]

Compare the scholarly interpretations by Vincent and Holt to those of Church and Gillingham. What does each scholar say about John’s reign and about the reason that Magna Carta was created. How are their interpretations different? Are there any points of agreement? Which do you find more convincing and why?

1. Why was Magna Carta written? Use evidence from as many primary and scholarly sources as possible to support your response. Pick one source (any primary, scholarly, literary, or visual source in the collection) that contradicts your assessment and explain why you find it less convincing. 2. Compare the scholarly interpretations by Vincent and Holt […]

Determine the author’s main point. In 1-2 paragraphs (100-400 words) explain what you think the author is trying to communicate in this passage. Remember two things. First, this passage is made up of both action and dialogue. Thus, this passage is both showing and telling us something. Second, words like “I,” “We,” “Us, and “Our” are application words and not interpretation words. Interpretation is about “then and there” and not “here and now.” We were not there so the passage is not about us. Our “part” in the passage is the application or how we will respond to God’s Word.

A. I have read Acts 8:26-39 in both a formal translation (KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV, or CSB) and a functional translation (NIV, NLT, or NCV). Highlight the correct answer. You will find a copy of the NASB, ESV, CSB, and NLT in your myWSB Library. Yes No Having read the passage in both formal and […]

What does it represent and why did you select this idea as the basis to this assignment?

Do additional research on Shinto. Include at least one strong academic link that helped you understand more about the religion. Now, complete more research on kame or yokai. Once you have an idea of what these are, contemplate what kind of kame or yokai would exist where you live. Do some creative writing — create […]

How is the Greek creation story different from the Judaic creation account (Genesis 1 – 4).Be sure to include at least 2 salient, i.e. important, differences.​​

The questions in this section address Hesiod’s ‘Theogony,’ a prose translation of theGreek poets that account for the creation of the universe and subsequent events.1.Who are the Muses? In your response be sure to include (1) the name of their father and(2) their three “songs.”​4 points​​Your answer2.Summarize the events in Cosmogony​. ​5 points ​Your answer3.How […]