Discuss Is cheating a crime? If it is not a crime, is it the same as criminal behavior? If you steal someone’s car it is theft. If you steal someone’s words, what is it?

Is cheating a crime? If it is not a crime, is it the same as criminal behavior? If you steal someone’s car it is theft. If you steal someone’s words, what is it? This discussion is not new but technology has made it easy for students, or anyone, to easily find and use someone else’s […]

Explain these elements in your own words. Features: You can find the 5 features of crime on page 74-75 of the attachments.

In 250 words or more, explain the following: Elements: You can find the 3 elements of crime on page 71-73 (also see figure 3-3 on page 71) of the attachments. You will need to explain these elements in your own words. Features: You can find the 5 features of crime on page 74-75 of the […]

Identify and discuss some of the principal elements of E. H. Sutherland’s contribution to the study of White Collar Crime and some of the limitations regarding his work.

Your written assignment for this module involves answering the four essay questions listed below. Your answer for each of the four essay questions should be between one page in length. Identify and discuss some of the principal elements of E. H. Sutherland’s contribution to the study of White Collar Crime and some of the limitations […]

Discuss How does Transnational Organized Crime affect communities inside the United States? Provide an example. Does TOC rise to the level of a national security threat?

Discussion Question: How does Transnational Organized Crime affect communities inside the United States? Provide an example. Does TOC rise to the level of a national security threat?

Pick 1 from Victimology, juvenile delinquency, race and crime, sex offender policies, serious gang problems in the U.S. .

Topic: Pick 1 from Victimology, juvenile delinquency, race and crime, sex offender policies, serious gang problems in the U.S. . Paper details: Your article was published in 2010 or later The citation for the article in APA 7th edition format at the top of the page A descriptive abstract of 150-250 words Double-space your paper […]

Analyze how detailed each of the plans are and how well they communicate to stakeholders.

Access the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico PD and the Plano, Texas PD strategic plans from the Topic Materials. Additionally, conduct research to locate two other police Departments’ Strategic Plans to reduce property crimes. Locate those four cities/towns on the FBI UCR website (in Topic Materials) and note the statistics with regard to property crimes […]

Define each type of crime and its elements using your home state’s penal code (online).Provide data related to each crime you searched that occurred in your state.

Assignment Content To better understand criminal behavior, we must also understand the elements of the crimes that are being committed. From this we can correlate crime and behavior while working toward predicting outcomes. Review the theories presented in Weeks 1-3. Choose three different crimes: one crime against persons, one crime against property, and one drug-related […]

How does the Income in your community compare to the Rest of NYC?Explain.

How does the Income in your community compare to the Rest of NYC? (100 Words) Column1 Mean 4.5 Average Standard Error 4.24058 Median -1 50% Above and 50% Below Mode -7 Standard Deviation 23.61055 Sample Variance 557.4581 Kurtosis 3.459639 Skewness 1.645599 Range 111 Minimum -31 Maximum 80 Sum 140 Count 31 How does the Rate […]

Indicate which theory you feel best describes the behavior of the individual you chose and the public’s response to their actions.

You are serving as jury member in the court of public opinion . You will complete the following: 1. Summarize the actions of one of the individuals on the list.(Chose only one 5pts) 2. Briefly Summarize The following Major Theories of Crime that you will be tested on( 15 points) A. Merton’s Strain Theory B. […]