Select and discuss a contemporary criminal justice issue to pursue as part of your criminal justice research paper for this capstone course.

For this assignment, you will select and discuss a contemporary criminal justice issue to pursue as part of your criminal justice research paper for this capstone course. The topic that you select will be the focus throughout this course, so please select your topic wisely. When considering topics, think about the courses you have already […]

Explain the history of gangs and gang membership.Describe the importance of symbols, graffiti, recruitment, and tactics in gangs.

Conduct an analysis of a gang of your choosing This analysis should be 4-6 pages long with APA citations.  This assignment aligns with course outcomes: Please base it off of HELLS Angels. Explain the history of gangs and gang membership. Describe the importance of symbols, graffiti, recruitment, and tactics in gangs. Connect the concept of […]

Discuss In the spirit of “what does the future hold for criminal justice” you are encouraged to analyze at least two emerging problems in the criminal justice system found in Chapter 16 of the eText. What are their origins? How are each affecting the criminal justice system now? Finally, what can or should be done about it?

In the spirit of “what does the future hold for criminal justice” you are encouraged to analyze at least two emerging problems in the criminal justice system found in Chapter 16 of the eText. What are their origins? How are each affecting the criminal justice system now? Finally, what can or should be done about […]

Do you think that Nussbaum has made a convincing argument that, when assessing the level of criminal punishment to which a criminal defendant is to be sentenced, judges and juries should be merciful?Discuss

Do you think that Nussbaum has made a convincing argument that, when assessing the level of criminal punishment to which a criminal defendant is to be sentenced, judges and juries should be merciful?

Discuss Is he a political criminal at all, and if so, which type of political crime most closely corresponds to what he did? Would you have done the same thing in his position? Why or why not?

The broad array of different activities that exist, to one extent or another, under the concept of “political crimes”. Familiarize yourself with the conduct of Edward Snowden, and answer the question of where his actions fit in. Is he a political criminal at all, and if so, which type of political crime most closely corresponds […]

Examine various programs and criminal justice efforts currently in place to deal with this issue and some of the measures the Catholic Church has instituted in the wake of these sexual assault/rapes of minors.

This assignment will be worth a total of 100pts of your final grade for this course. For this assignment, each student will assume the role of researcher on the topic of our local and national news story involving the sexual abuse and assaults of minor victims by clergy and laypersons of the Catholic Church. Students […]