How does each country’s philosophy toward crime/criminal justice system reflect on their use or non-use?Discuss

After reading chapter 7, 8, and 9 textbook. Write a 2-page paper to answer the following questions: 1) How do policies and practices differ for each model country regarding the use of corporal punishment? 2) How does each country’s philosophy toward crime/criminal justice system reflect on their use or non-use? Please use your own words […]

Provide a factual account of the case specifically discussing the role of forensics in the investigation.

Students are required to source one criminal case where forensic evidence has been vital in securing a conviction or quashing a wrongful conviction. The case does not have to be restricted to the UK.There are 2 parts to this essay: (1) Students are to provide a factual account of the case specifically discussing the role […]

Explain After reviewing the information on criminology and the four (4) schools of criminology, discuss and give an example of how each will influence your selected criminal justice career.

Description After reviewing the information on criminology and the four (4) schools of criminology, discuss and give an example of how each will influence your selected criminal justice career.

Describe the role in detail, how it fits into the criminal justice system.

Description Description and Criteria Portfolio of employability: – Create a portfolio with materials, and associated commentary related to your potential future careers. (Careers within the British Criminal Justice System, e.g. Police, Restorative Justice Roles, HumanKind Charity, Probation Services, Youth Justice Team, RSPCA Inspector, Victim Support) – Describe the role in detail, how it fits into […]

Evaluate whether the Court of Appeal has achieved the right balance in its interpretation of the requirement with regard to the legal principle of double jeopardy. Choose two cases to illustrate your answer.

S 78 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 requires ‘new and compelling evidence’ as one of the conditions to be satisfied for the Court of Appeal to order a re-trial of a defendant who has been acquitted. Evaluate whether the Court of Appeal has achieved the right balance in its interpretation of the requirement with […]

Explain What is the role of social science research in criminal justice administration? How best can criminal justice researchers speak truth to power.

Description What role, if any, should empirical evidence play in criminal justice decision making and policy making? What role should politics play in the same processes? Do you agree or disagree with the judge’s ruling in this case study, and what are your arguments for the position you hold? What is the role of social […]

What are some major challenges for offenders reentering the community from criminal sanctions? What role can prison programs play?

Description To help you approach your readings for this week, you were given several reading questions. In this discussion, you’ll choose one of those questions, and address how it is answered throughout the readings for the lesson. As you answer, be sure to cite the readings and authors as you address the question. To complete […]

What Constitutes a Stop? Explain and support what this question means. It is the heart of what begins criminal procedures.

Description In this assignment, students are to address the following question. 1. What Constitutes a Stop? Explain and support what this question means. It is the heart of what begins criminal procedures. AND 2. Pick two cases that relate to the “stop” in the stop and frisk context and give a detailed summary of the […]

Explain What are some major challenges for offenders reentering the community from criminal sanctions? What role can prison programs play?

Description To help you approach your readings for this week, you were given several reading questions. In this discussion, you’ll choose one of those questions, and address how it is answered throughout the readings for the lesson. As you answer, be sure to cite the readings and authors as you address the question. To complete […]