Explain official responses to criminal behavior through the application of criminal justice theories. How can criminal justice theories help offer solutions to the concrete problems of criminal justice enforcement and administration as evidenced in the scenario?

Description Professional Lens Introduction This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to apply conflict theory to address a significant problem in the criminal justice system by formulating a change in a policy or the development of a program. It invites you to apply the criminal justice theory from a professional lens. Instructions Using the […]

Explain.A deontological ethical system, such as ethical formalism, says that if an act or intent is inherently good (coming from a good will), it is still considered a good act even if it results in bad consequences. A teleological ethical system, such as utilitarianism, judges the consequences of an act. The saying “the end justifies the means” is a teleological statement. If the belief is that the act will result in the greatest utility for the greatest number of people, the act is good. Should police officers, prosecutors, and probation officers be deontological, teleological, or a little of each?

Description A deontological ethical system, such as ethical formalism, says that if an act or intent is inherently good (coming from a good will), it is still considered a good act even if it results in bad consequences. A teleological ethical system, such as utilitarianism, judges the consequences of an act. The saying “the end […]

Examine the manner in which Saudi Arabia criminal code would likely view the crime you witnessed. Provide a rationale for the response.

Description research the differences in criminal code and legal procedures between the United States and Sadi Arabia. Imagine you are traveling abroad in Sadi Arabia when you witness a local national committing a violent assault. The criminal is arrested and charged by the police. Upon returning to the United States, a professor in one of […]

Discuss The U.S.Constitution and Due Process has created some legal issues involved in Criminal Investigation. Explain in detail the importance of these rights and give the pros/cons in regards to your belief on “handcuffing the police” during their investigation.

The U.S.Constitution and Due Process has created some legal issues involved in Criminal Investigation. Explain in detail the importance of these rights and give the pros/cons in regards to your belief on “handcuffing the police” during their investigation. Cite from Supreme Court cases, outside sources, etc. ( I am against “handcuffing the police” during thier […]

Which do you believe have more of an influence on a person’s decision to commit a criminal act — the pushes or the pulls? Why?Discuss

Chapter 8 discussed seven pushes and three pulls of crime. Which do you believe have more of an influence on a person’s decision to commit a criminal act — the pushes or the pulls? Why? Please pick only one side to discuss. Your initial posting must be no less than 200 words

Articulate the circumstances of the scenario in the narrative portion of the report, as appropriate.

As a criminal justice professional, report writing is an important aspect of your responsibilities. For this assignment, you will review a scenario and complete a report commonly found within a particular criminal justice profession. Fill out the report with the specific information provided in the scenario. Fill out the report in its entirety by making […]

Discuss Is cheating a crime? If it is not a crime, is it the same as criminal behavior? If you steal someone’s car it is theft. If you steal someone’s words, what is it?

Is cheating a crime? If it is not a crime, is it the same as criminal behavior? If you steal someone’s car it is theft. If you steal someone’s words, what is it? This discussion is not new but technology has made it easy for students, or anyone, to easily find and use someone else’s […]

Discuss the reform that needs to be made in the criminal justice system by instituting the use of mental health courts to divert the mentally ill from the jail system to provide treatment and prevent re-offending.

Topic: Mental Health Courts and Reform in the Criminal Justice System Paper details: 10-12 pages needs 12 references from scholarly articles. Paper topic is to discuss the reform that needs to be made in the criminal justice system by instituting the use of mental health courts to divert the mentally ill from the jail system […]

What is the ICC? What is its jurisdiction (Links to an external site.) (when, where, who, what the court can prosecute)?

First, watch the videos below.Type your answers out in a Word document first. Proofread your answers before you post them to check for grammatical errors and to make sure that your answers are well written (with complete sentences and thoughtful explanations that make sense). Your postings should be at least 300 words. Remember to support […]

Discuss What is convict leasing and what are its attributes? How does convict leasing resemble mass incarceration? Can or should our current criminal justice system be reformed? Should convict leasing be used in prisons today?

What is convict leasing and what are its attributes? How does convict leasing resemble mass incarceration? Can or should our current criminal justice system be reformed? Should convict leasing be used in prisons today?