Create a detailed profile for the offender to support your chosen classification level.

Inmate Housing Classification Review recent criminal cases in the media. Alternatively, use high-profile cases (e.g., Charles Mason, Bill Cosby, Martha Stewart) to demonstrate various types of crimes and offenders. Decide appropriate classification levels for the offenders in the case(s) you choose. Create a detailed profile for the offender to support your chosen classification level.

Describe what you see as the most important impediment that must be overcome to take better advantage of technological advances to improve the functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Then, describe one strategy we might follow to overcome this challenge. Finally, discuss whether you believe this will be successful. Why or why not?

This week’s readings introduce several issues related to the increased use of information technology in the criminal justice system, and the many challenges that criminal justice agencies face in implementing them and adapting to the rapidly advancing world of information technology. Describe what you see as the most important impediment that must be overcome to […]

What are the main principles that would guide sentencing and how they can be applied in Adrian’s case?Discuss

Question 1 (1000 Words) Adrian is a 16 y/o young person, who was born in a remote town in NSW. About five years ago, his paternal uncle died in a quad bike accident on the family farm. He was very close to his uncle and so devastated by this news. Following this event, he began […]

s it immoral for a mother to abuse her body when pregnant?Does society have a responsibility to protect the fetus and newborn?Discuss.

The use of harmful substances by pregnant mothers brings up ethical issues that may interest you regarding a pregnant mother’s responsibility to the developing fetus. Consider the Aristotelian basis of morality in which all acts in life are performed for their “goodness,” and that humans must seek to know “the good.” Counter to Aristotle’s view, […]

Write an essay on two to three differences between criminal and civil trials that led to Simpson loosing.

After watching the “O.J. Simpson Case: Why O.J. Simpson Lost the Civil Trial”, write an essay on two to three differences between criminal and civil trials that led to Simpson loosing. Requirements:  One to two pages  Double spaced  Times New Roman, 12 point font  One inch margins The video can be […]

Distinguish between the terms actus reus and mens rea. How are they significant in criminal law?

Distinguish between the terms actus reus and mens rea. How are they significant in criminal law? To what standard of law must the defendant’s mens rea be proven in order to gain a criminal conviction? Must the state prove “what the defendant was thinking at the time of the crime” in order to prove mens […]

Discuss the role and responsibility of the first officer on the scene before the investigators arrive. What would he or she prepare for the criminal investigator?

Assignment Details: Discuss the role and responsibility of the first officer on the scene before the investigators arrive. What would he or she prepare for the criminal investigator? Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. For more information on APA, please visit the APA STYLE Lab. Chat

What are the benefits? What are the costs? How does the bank robber attempt to increase the benefits and reduce the costs? How do banks try to reduce benefits and raise costs for bank robbers? With regard to account holders, is there a cost? Are their deposits insured? Don’t confuse costs with transfers.

The papers will be judged based upon the quality of the author’s economic analysis and presentation of that analysis. Apply economic concepts to some issue involving crime. Such topics often involve some type of debate in which the student should acknowledge arguments on both sides of an issue while reaching a clear conclusion about where […]

Analyze how early feminist theories of domestic violence rejected earlier alternative psychological and family violence theories and how that eventually led to criminal intervention as the primary solution to domestic violence.

“How Feminist Theory Became (Criminal) Law: Tracing the Path to Mandatory Criminal Intervention in Domestic Violence Cases” as your initial reference for this week’s Assignment. In a 3-page paper, identify early theories of domestic violence that preceded the feminist intervention and the subsequent feminist theories of domestic violence. Analyze how early feminist theories of domestic […]

What was the response of the criminal justice system, and other related institutions/systems, to Chanel Miller’s experience?

  -What was the response of the criminal justice system, and other related institutions/systems, to Chanel Miller’s experience? -How could the criminal justice system and other related systems have responded differently? -What type of legal response would you like to have seen? -What resources/responses were helpful to Chanel?