Explain the Steps a Criminal Defendant May Go Through in the American Criminal Justice System

Analysis and Application: Explain the Steps a Criminal Defendant May Go Through in the American Criminal Justice System The following case study presents issues related to the steps a criminal defendant may go through in the American criminal justice system from arrest through sentencing. Case Study: You have just been hired as a lawyer at […]

What are the elements of the crime the prosecution must prove?Explain

Section A: Burdens of Proof and Violations of Criminal Procedure: Write 2 pages addressing the following questions separately for each of the four Fact Patterns that you completed in Part 1 during Module 7: What are the elements of the crime the prosecution must prove? What violations of criminal procedure by law enforcement, if any, […]

What is the subject matter? What is the writer or director’s goal for the film?

Introduction: Identification of the film under view. Be sure to provide a citation that includes the film’s producer, director, release date, title, and place of production. What is the subject matter? What is the writer or director’s goal for the film? Who are the people in key roles: writer, executive producer, and director? Who funded […]

If the job of the jury is to determine what was “reasonable”, how important is the composition of the jury for making the decisions? Can we agree on a single standard for “reasonable” conduct?Discuss.

For your response, reflect on the case of Yoshi Hattori that is presented in Chapter 5. Answer the following questions: 1. What was your reaction to the case? 2. If the job of the jury is to determine what was “reasonable”, how important is the composition of the jury for making the decisions? Can we […]

Explain.Do you think an over abundance of laws or rules lead to criminal behavior? Why or why not?

Emile Durkheim argued that if all deviant behavior was repressed, so too would creativity, innovation and personal freedom be repressed. Is he correct? Remember that deviant behavior is determined by society and does not necessarily break a criminal law. Give one example to support your viewpoint. Do you think an over abundance of laws or […]

Why do people comply with the law? Is their compliance based on fear (deterrence theory) or respect (social bonding or social control theory)?

The criminal justice system relies on both criminal justice and criminological theories in the development of policies and practices. From the perspective of criminal justice and criminological theories, why do people comply with the law? Is their compliance based on fear (deterrence theory) or respect (social bonding or social control theory)?

Discuss the probative worthiness of plain impression live-scanning, with emphasis on the disadvantages.

The inked fingerprint classification system has been used for over 100 years and has been accepted as proof of identification in the U.S. court system. The Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) has been in use for over twenty years and has been regarded as proven. Recently, an AFIS process known as plain impression live-scanning has […]

Explain how you think police feel about the current legislature in Connecticut. Be specific as to what you think police think of the new law on police accountability.

Journal Entry #3: This chapter dealt with relationships police have with other entities in the criminal justice system. In at least two paragraphs, explain how you think police feel about the current legislature in Connecticut. Be specific as to what you think police think of the new law on police accountability. Remember to use citations […]

What are the differences between Criminal law and Civil law?

Introduction to Law Unit 2 Assignment You must answer the questions in your own words. Material copied directly from the text, the lesson or another source, will receive a mark of zero. You must answer the questions in essay style, full sentences with proper spelling and punctuation. Marks will be deducted for spelling and grammar […]

Briefly explain relevance to your interest,outline the main points

1) Find 5 peer reviewed journal articles on your preferred topic (refer to “How to find…” attachment). MY PREFERRED TOPIC IS CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND POLICING. 2) for each article a) List citation info (APA format) b) briefly explain relevance to your interest c) outline the main points d) list references/quotations that are relevant to your […]