Discuss How does the citizenship status of the criminal in the case impact the ability to adhere to procedural due process?

How does the citizenship status of the criminal in the case impact the ability to adhere to procedural due process?Be sure to include whether or not the criminal has dual citizenship. How does this affect your ability to apprehend and charge thecriminal?2.Wheredidthecriminalresideatthetimethatthecrimewascommitted?Doesthisinformationinterferewiththeinvestigationandapprehensionofthe criminal?Explain.3.Which laws were violated domestically and internationally in the case? What consequences are […]

Explain Why is cultural awareness important?

Explain how your topic—either the juvenile justice system or allied professionals—relates to the law enforcement branch of the criminal justice system. Include information from one of the main bullets below. Juvenile Justice: School resource officers School-to-prison pipeline Juvenile rights Status offenses Allied Professionals: Victim’s rights advocates Goodwill ambassadors Counselors / psychologists Community service professionals Explain […]

Describe an organizational or note taking strategy that would facilitate the creation of this report.

In a Criminal Complaint and / or Arrest Warrant Prepare a summary of the essential questions you’ll need to ask in order to gather the information that must be included in the report. Describe an organizational or note taking strategy that would facilitate the creation of this report. Explain how the information in the report […]

Where do helping professionals fit?

  Where do helping professionals fit? No replies. After reading the material for this week, in your opinion, where do helping professionals fit in the sequence of events in the criminal justice system or arresting procedures? Should helping professionals be specifically seen or heard during arrests? During judicial hearing? After conviction? Be sure to cite […]

What major points are argued by proponents of this alternative position?

What major points are argued by proponents of this alternative position? Explain in detail. Conduct research on this alternative position and evaluate the arguments. Do the arguments hold any merit? Why or why not? What policies currently exist that support these arguments? Explain in detail. Which position is more significant for improving the current state […]