How and why do gendered and racialised inequalities over-determine crime and criminalisation?Discuss

Description ***QUESTION***: ***How and why do gendered and racialised inequalities over-determine crime and criminalisation?*** Word Limit: 2500 words – I have attached ALL 9 Lecture PPTs for your reference from my school, feel free to use them as reference whenever you think is appropriate to achieve high score. Also use your own knowledge and research. […]

Discuss the role of the state in crime and social control through, for example, the interface between social policy and crime control, the evolution of governmental form and criminalisation, and the rise of diverse forms and means of governance and their consequences on processes of criminalisation.

This module focuses on contemporary issues in criminology, social control, and the criminal justice system. The broader theme will be to illustrate the role of the state in crime and social control through, for example, the interface between social policy and crime control, the evolution of governmental form and criminalisation, and the rise of diverse […]