Why should the community be concerned about minimizing adverse childhood experiences?

Adverse Childhood Experiences Prior to starting this discussion, explore Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), then read Take the ACE Quiz and Learn What It Does and Does Not Mean webpage article. Then complete the 10-question adverse childhood experience (ACE) questionnaire Finding Your ACE Score for the client you selected in the Week 1 Choose Your Client […]

How does racial segregation affect Trevor and his family members?

Write a 3-4 page essay, about 750-1000 words, double-spaced. Your essay will demonstrate your reading and understanding of the memoir Born a Crime. Below are the topics choose one. 1-Criminality is a theme that runs through Noah’s memoir Born a Crime. Indeed, crime is so central that the author takes the idea in his title. […]

How can we intervene to stop the possibility that criminal behavior may emerge?

Attachment Theory and Migrant Children https://www.apa.org/news/apa/2018/border-family-separation Review Attachment Theory by John Bowlby in chapter 7. Bowlby defined 7 essentials features of his attachment theory: Specificity, Duration, Engagement of emotion (particularly the emotion of fear), Course of development, Learning, Organization, and Biological function. 1. Compare what Bowlby theorized with the findings in the article about the […]

Do you purport that there is a strong sense of validity in explaining juvenile delinquency and behaviors through development and neuroscience?

JUVENILE DISCUSSION 2 Do you purport that there is a strong sense of validity in explaining juvenile delinquency and behaviors through development and neuroscience? Culpability has often been discussed in various circles pertaining to adolescence. What age, if any, do you gauge is a “good” age to state a juvenile is culpable for their actions, […]