What is the intellectual history that helped generate this theory/paradigm?

Criminological Theory Executive Summary IV: Differential Association and Social Learning Theories of Crime Instructions: Drawing on readings from the Differential Association/Social Learning section of the course, students are to submit a critical summary of this paradigm. Students are firmly expected to incorporate all of the assigned readings into their summaries, as they were included as […]

Discuss the interface between statistics and criminological theory and research.

Applied Statistics in Criminology I Provide an in-depth discussion of levels of measurement. In doing so, be sure to delineate the differences among the various levels of measurement. Additionally, provide at least three examples of each level of measurement (and the examples can NOT come from your book/notes). (5 points) Calculate the mean, the median, […]

How is the identification of these factors supported by the selected theory?

Select a criminological theory that informs your understanding of the issue, justifying your selection. \ Identify factors contributing to the issue, justifying your identifications with the selected criminological theory. In other words, what are the factors contributing to the issue? How is the identification of these factors supported by the selected theory? Describe how the […]

How have the policies around this issue evolved, and what trends have influenced this evolution?

5-1 Final Project Milestone Two: Historical Analysis and Analysis of Relevant Criminological Theories Overview: For this assignment, due in Module Five, you will submit a 2–3 page draft of your historical analysis as well as your analysis of criminological theories relevant to your public policy issue selection. You will analyze the history of the public […]

Identify one criminological theory you think best explains Bryan’s involvement in crime. Briefly discuss the main tenets of the theory and how it applies to this scenario (500+ words).

Scenario: As a juvenile court judge, you are forced to make a tough decision during a hearing: whether a juvenile should be waived to the adult court. It seems that gang activity has become a way of life for residents living in local public housing projects. The “Bloods” sell crack, and the “Wolfpack” controls the […]

Describe a criminological theory and delineate three ways in which its practical application has become evident through your practicum experience.

In this assignment, you are asked to critically analyze your practicum placement by examining one criminological theory and describing its application as you have observed in your practicum experiences. You are asked to answer one of these two questions in a 2000 paper: 1) Describe a criminological theory and delineate three ways in which its […]

Discuss the criminal justice or juvenile justice system, a crime phenomenon or criminological theory

Order #7528560 Deadline : 1 hour 43 min Price : $25.89 Order Info Status In progress Paper format APA Pages / Draft 7double Slides 0 Problems 0 Questions 0 Academic level Undergraduate Type of work Writing from scratch Type of paper – Sources 5 1-page draft/ Summary 0/0 Subject: Criminal Law Topic: Does Community Policing […]