Analyze criminal justice issues within the systems of law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections (PLO 1)

Analyze criminal justice issues within the systems of law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections (PLO 1). Evaluate the application of the social justice principles of equality, solidarity, and human rights toward building a just society (PLO 2). Apply knowledge of cultural sensitivity and diversity awareness to social and criminal justice (PLO 3). Deconstruct the relationship […]

Explain the difference between primary and secondary deviance. Explain re-integrative shaming. Define in the defiance theory. List the four conditions all of which is necessary for defiance to occur.

1)Define Labeling theory. Explain the difference between primary and secondary deviance. Explain re-integrative shaming. Define in the defiance theory. List the four conditions all of which is necessary for defiance to occur. 2)List the Five broad principles that inform much of the scholarship done under the broad name of critical criminology. Explain Karl Marx, William […]