What percentage of Carbohydrates, Lipids (fats), and Proteins did you consume?

Write down everything you eat and drink for one day. Include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. You do not need to write down water as it has no calories. If you drink alcohol, you need to add the amount as alcohol does have calories. You will need to create a free account when you are […]

Describe what changes you would need to make to your diet to better meet your recommendations for energy, macronutrients, and micronutrients.

Topic: Dietary analysis Diet Analysis Project: Tables and Analysis Questions Table 1. Energy and Macronutrients (10 pts) Average Eaten Target Energy       kcal xxxx Carbohydrates (% of calories)       %       % Total Fat (% of calories)       %       % Protein (% of calories)       %       % Dietary Fiber       g       g […]

How well did you meet your recommended fiber intake? If you did not meet your recommended intake, what foods could you add to your diet to increase your fiber intake?Discuss.

1. File out 3 copies of the Food Log. Use this as a guide to track your food intake for three days (2 weekdays and 1 weekend day). 3. Enter you foods from your daily food logs: Go to the Menu heading Diary Click on Add Food and start entering your food from your food […]