Choose one cultural element of Korea ( e.g., music, art, literature, dance, architecture, clothing, cuisine, teen culture, etc.)

one cultural element of Korea The topic is as follows : Choose one cultural element of Korea ( e.g., music, art, literature, dance, architecture, clothing, cuisine, teen culture, etc.) you want to introduce to the world and suggest three ways to promote it by relating it to American culture. The length should be one full […]

Research your favorite type of cuisine and create a short menu using a combination of any of the ingredients.

Research your favorite type of cuisine and create a short menu using a combination of any of the ingredients. Your menu should consist of 1 appetizer and 1 entrĂ©e. Utilize as many as the ingredients and dry cooking techniques as possible. Incorporate previously learned knowledge from the module of seasoning and flavoring to highlight your […]

Research and explain an Indigenous Canadian chef who has made a difference in the food service industry through their contribution and interpretation of cuisine.

Description Term Assignment One Chef Biographical Essay and MenuCOOK 333 Local and Sustainable CuisineDue Date:Week 10 Chef Biographical EssayIn this course,we have been exploring various chefs and their interpretation of Canadian cuisineand Indigenous traditional food systems. The student will research an Indigenous Canadian chef who has made a difference in the food service industry through […]