Explain why cultural proficiency on its own cannot address the issues of health disparities or social determinants of health within a health care organization

Addressing health disparities Explain the term ‘cultural proficiency’ in your own words (remember to cite your references correctly using APA 7th Ed). Identify and include other terms that are used interchangeably with ‘ cultural proficiency’ Explain why cultural proficiency on its own cannot address the issues of health disparities or social determinants of health within […]

Why should assessment procedures often be considered when working with students or clients?

On the internet, locate 2-3 examples of school counseling needs assessments. Review each and answer the following: Provide a description of the needs assessment you selected (you may also leave the link to the assessment in your response). What is its purpose? What type of needs assessment is presented (e.g. checklist, likert-scale, etc.)? Based on […]

Describe financial/legal/ethical implications for the population related to the problem.

Analysis of an Age Related Topic In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style conduct in-depth analysis of a pertinent topic related to aging. Include the following in your analysis: Define the problem. Identify the specific population affected. Describe cultural implications. Describe financial/legal/ethical implications for the population related to the problem. […]

Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding about interpersonal communication through analysis of a particular interpersonal relationship.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to apply multiple interpersonal communication concepts and theories we covered throughout this course to the relational experience you choose. In other words, what you are doing is putting together theory (course concepts) and practice (your personal life world). TOPIC: You will demonstrate your knowledge and understanding about interpersonal […]

What religious or cultural beliefs do you hold as important that may differ from others?

Week 2 discussion For your discussion post, answer the following: After reviewing the material, consider the ways in which your own attitudes and ideas have been formed. Who and what have influenced your development the most? What religious or cultural beliefs do you hold as important that may differ from others? Finally, when have you […]

Explain why you do or do not adhere to the dominant cultural practices and beliefs of the ethnic group(s) with which you primarily identify.

NUR505 Assign Self-Assessment Paper The purpose of this paper is to conduct a cultural self-assessment. You will read each of the boxes in Chapter 2 of your textbook (one for each domain of the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence), answer these questions as they relate to you. Remember to answer these questions from your personal […]

Analyze the implications of initiating the proposed technology innovation through an action plan.

Action Plan for Technology Innovation Action plan (4-5 pages) proposing implementation of appropriate and relevant technology, evaluating that technology in terms of meeting diverse needs of students, and analyzing the implications of initiating this change. This assessment will apply the theoretical foundations and best practices for educational innovation with technology. In the assessment, address how […]

Connect the cultural and social implications of fear in the texts.

Fear is a common topic in the books World War Z and Disgraced. Connect them. In World War Z, fear is an obvious motivator, we are told in the retrospective accounts provided for us, while in Disgraced, it is a nuanced and thus more subtle enabler. Connect the cultural and social implications of fear in […]

What big questions do you think influenced the cultural work you selected?

Human Culture Identify a creator from the twentieth or twenty-first century who you think made an important contribution to art and culture in the form of cultural works that impacted society. Describe one of the cultural works they created and the medium. Mediums can include dance, literature, sculpture, visual arts, architecture, music, performance, and so […]