Explain both how-why your choice varies by region-how-why it has been affected by distance decay.

Geography and Drinkable Water Sources for the topic of drinkable Water and non drinkable water Do research to see how each of the following geographic concepts affects or is related to your topic: 1. Regions 2. Cultural Landscape 3. Diffusion 4. Distance decay. Explain both how and why your choice varies by region, and how […]

What activities are included in their job, from the basic tasks of an ordinary workday to bigger requirements such as earning and maintaining a professional license?

Project II: Making a Living ANTH202 – Fall 2021  This project asks you to discover how someone around you is “making a living” – working at a job, multiple jobs or in a profession. Work is defined broadly—being a homemaker and being a CEO of a big company are both ways of making a living […]