Discuss Have these norms changed at all now that you are adults? Is there mandated leave from work for fathers in the U.S., and if so, do you think most new fathers would make use of this leave? Do you believe norms for fathering vary within Western culture? How do they differ among other cultures?

Description For the last discussion, I would like for you to think about the role your fathers played in your upbringing (be specific – diaper changing, feeding, meal prep, transportation, getting school supplies, taking to doctor’s appointments, etc.). Described some and then evaluate your experiences with cultural norms for fathering during your childhood. Have these […]

Explain What influences the way you see others? What do you think may influence the way others see you?

• How does the literature on culture and identity help you make sense of the differences that you encounter? • Do you see yourself as part of a dominant or a minority group? How do others see you? • What influences the way you see others? What do you think may influence the way others […]

Discuss one nursing action you might incorporate to improve cultural competence in your organization.

Description Go to the link  (Links to an external site.). View the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards (CLAS) categories aimed at equity and quality care (HHS, n.d.). Notice how these standards overlap with many of the expectations and standards in professional nursing practice! In what ways are you and your peers using these […]

Explain love something? hate something? did something confuse you? bore you? anger you? Start there, and then ask WHY??? Did the author maybe do this to you on purpose? Are you supposed to be feeling this way? What are some possible reasons for how the author did this, and why the author did this? Are you perhaps the wrong target audience? Is there something cultural going on that you maybe missed?

Description Write a critical response journal, not plot summaries, or “proof” that you read the book or a mini-research paper! They must be critical and not only descriptive — this means thinking about your feelings — love something? hate something? did something confuse you? bore you? anger you? Start there, and then ask WHY??? Did […]

Describe the chosen Healthy People 2020 topic area and specific health issue.

Description Promoting Positive Outcomes through Targeted Communication within Cultural Groups Identify disparities in health among populations for a Healthy People 2020 health issue. 1. Describe the chosen Healthy People 2020 topic area and specific health issue. 2. Contrast causes of disparities related to this health issue within populations. 3. Propose a public health communication strategy […]

What is a time in your life when you have had a duty or an obligation? Is it ongoing? Did you choose it? Was it uncomfortable, just or unjust, inspiring? Familial, cultural, personal, national? Write about your experience with duty

Topic: What is a time in your life when you have had a duty or an obligation? Is it ongoing? Did you choose it? Was it uncomfortable, just or unjust, inspiring? Familial, cultural, personal, national? Write about your experience with duty

Demonstrate your understanding of different cultural frameworks and strategies used in intercultural communication by applying theories to practice in variety of intercultural business interactions.

Description Learning outcomes 1 Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding • Identify and define the different value and belief systems present across cultures through cultural profiling and self-construal. 2 Demonstrate the following skills and abilities • Demonstrate your understanding of different cultural frameworks and strategies used in intercultural communication by applying theories to practice in […]

. Analyze the belief systems, artifacts, cultural history, and traditions that support resilience relative to the risks and promotive and protective factors for the population for your identified population.

Description Identify and explain the theory of risk and resiliency towards (Widowed Mothers of Young Children) population using the development of (Post-Traumatic Growth Model). Assignment Instructions: Using the model of post-traumatic growth by Tedeschi and Calhoun, imagine the risks and promotive and protective factors that could emerge from a trauma experienced (Widowed Mothers of Young […]

Explain any specific stereotypes, prejudices, or biases you identified.

Document your strengths in cultural competencies. Explain any specific stereotypes, prejudices, or biases you identified. Utilize the area of social work practice that you are passionate about (identified in MSW-5001) to complete a Culturagram on that population. Discuss the issues of culture on the population you have chosen. Utilizing your answers to the cultural self-assessment, […]

Review the impact of personal, social and cultural factors on learning

6.1.1 Review the impact of personal, social and cultural factors on learning 6.1.2 Review the impact of different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities on learning The student should complete a brief essay reviewing personal, social, cultural factors which impact on learning, and also different cognitive, physical and sensory abilities which impact on learning (500 words […]