What is the most significant thing you have learned about intercultural communication and engagement?Discuss

In your final CQ journal entry, you will reflect back on your CQ journey throughout the course. Answer the following questions in your CQ journal. • Did you meet the goals or accomplish the action steps you set for this course? • How has your understanding of Cultural Intelligence and the realities of interacting across […]

Describe what you need to know about three cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation successfully in that country.

Choose a city in one of the following countries: Taiwan, Spain, Uruguay, Australia, or Turkey. Research the culture of the chosen city, and write a two-page essay to describe what you need to know about three cultural differences that would help you open a subsidiary, hire staff, and manage it for your corporation successfully in […]

Explain why having a cultural profile of people in the official’s cultural group could help you avoid a breakdown in communication in this situation. How can you get through the intercultural impasse and obtain a contract that both you and the Chinese official find acceptable?

As the managing director for your company, based in India, that manufactures computer equipment, you are negotiating with an official in China. His job is to select computer equipment for city employees. You are adamant that you want all the specifications named clearly in a contract. However, the Chinese official is not interested in the […]

Identify and describe five communication skills that facilitate culturally competent health care according to the Patient-Clinician Communication paper enclosed in uploaded files.

Define cultural diverse assessments Describe key components of a comprehensive cultural assessment. Identify and describe five communication skills that facilitate culturally competent health care according to the Patient-Clinician Communication paper enclosed in uploaded files. Must be authentic writing/from scratch. 3 references (2017-2020 must have doi).

What oddities might you be practicing that are highlighted by this new consideration?Discuss.

read the story “Jesus Shaves” by David However, when we approach these traditions/cultural “standards” from an outside perspective, we may find some of the absurdity and humor in them that Sedaris does. [Some of you may already have experienced this depending on where your family hails from.] Journal: write a 2 page journal based on […]

What does Stratfor suggest when they say that the United States is the Inevitable Empire? Give 5 reasons they give on why the US is the Inevitable Empire? What are your thoughts on the article? Do you agree with their assessment?

What does Stratfor suggest when they say that the United States is the Inevitable Empire? Give 5 reasons they give on why the US is the Inevitable Empire? What are your thoughts on the article? Do you agree with their assessment? What is Environmental Geography? Why is it an important area for study? What are […]

What social factors (structural, cultural, interactional, political, etc.) contribute to the existence of the problem?

What sociological causes and explanations have been linked to this problem? Keep in mind the various theoretical perspectives. -What social factors (structural, cultural, interactional, political, etc.) contribute to the existence of the problem? -What do sociologists or other experts believe may be potential solutions to this problem? Your paper must meet the following requirements: -must […]

Identify cultural and social considerations you should take into account as part of your marketing planning efforts. Explain how these factors make the marketing presented to the Brazilian audience different from what is presented to U.S. consumers.

The purpose of this assignment is to identify factors that must be considered when conducting global marketing campaigns. For this assignment, imagine you work for a U.S.-based organization that sells household appliances and is considering opening stores internationally, starting with Brazil. You have been tasked with providing your recommendations in preparation for the expansion into […]

Evaluate the reasons why the risks and rewards may (or may not) be different for the two types of firms.

Discussion Assignment In this question, you will consider the main risks and rewards of international business for two firms. In the case of a large established domestic firm which of the potential rewards is greatest (new customers, lower costs, and diversification of markets) and which risk is greatest (political, economic, cultural)? In the case of […]