Discuss how does considering accepted patterns of social behavior and what happens when we deviate from those through narrative help shape our own individual and societal/cultural norms and values?

1. Narratives provide us with the opportunity to consider our own morals, ethics, and values and what we would do if placed in a similar situation. Choose one of the texts we’ve read [“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,” “Shiloh,” The Graduate (novel), or “Ozymandias” (poem)} AND one of the films/TV episodes we’ve viewed […]

Write a post in first person addressing your struggle with the reading materials. Write about what you don’t understand, or what you half-understand, or how the material connects to the previous week, or what about the material fascinates you and why. You must address all the readings, but you don’t have to do it equally. You can problematize or extend or complexify the material.

Paper details: Write a 600-word (minimum) post in first person addressing your struggle with the reading materials. Write about what you don’t understand, or what you half-understand, or how the material connects to the previous week, or what about the material fascinates you and why. You must address all the readings, but you don’t have […]

Describe why you chose this country and its current economic status. Describe its current situation from a national and corporate view.

– Topic: Country assessment & analysis: International Trade – Pick a country (other than USA) – Conduct an assessment that applies your textbook ( a good way to study for the Sep 15 midterm ) and class learning – As a suggestion, use the textbook chapters as an outline Country ________ 1.Introduction – Describe why […]

Why is knowing your audience an important part of capturing and maintaining their attention?Explain.

Why is knowing your audience an important part of capturing and maintaining their attention? What cultural considerations do you need to take into account for your particular audience/topic? How are you going to keep the audience’s attention throughout the speech? Find at least one example on YouTube, TEDx, or other video repositories of good attention-getting […]

Discuss two options. In the end, did she do the right thing? A related issue is whether she follow the ethical rule in anthropology of doing no harm to the people one is studying. What do you think about this last point? Why?

Paper details: Cultural anthropologists often face critical decisions when practicing participant observation. The video listed below documents ethnographic fieldwork carried out by Wynne Maggi in the Kalasha valleys of northern Pakistan. While doing research in a remote community, she experienced a trauma that affected her fieldwork and her life for years afterward. After viewing the […]

What do you believe the true purpose of a college education is today? What do you think it will be in the future?

Assignment Instructions Initial post:  Create an initial paper that responds to each of the prompts below: What do you believe the true purpose of a college education is today? What do you think it will be in the future? Do you believe colleges have a responsibility to teach concepts like “global understanding” and “cultural diversity […]

Explain how do Utopians use laws/customs to control or eliminate lust? The seven deadly sins are pride, greed, gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, and anger. Use direct quotes from Utopia to support your argument.

Focus on at least four laws or cultural practices in Part Two of Utopia to argue that More uses reason and logic to eliminate or control human failings, i.e., deadly sins, present in his sixteenth-century culture. For example, how do Utopians use laws/customs to control or eliminate lust? The seven deadly sins are pride, greed, […]

Explain.What may have motivated the rise of Protestantism in the early sixteenth century?

What may have motivated the rise of Protestantism in the early sixteenth century? You may want to take into account the spiritual/emotional issues of individuals, broad political factors, cultural dynamics, economic trends, and even technological developments (like the printing press). You can consider the rise of the Lutherans, the Reformed tradition (Calvinism), and the Anabaptists. […]

Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community and societal levels Planning & Management to Promote Health

Evidence-Based Approaches to Public Health 1. Apply epidemiological methods to the breadth of settings and situations in public health practice 2. Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context 3. Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming and software, as appropriate 4. Interpret results of data […]

Discuss What does your decision tell you about your “basic self?” What is your core value? Does your decision reveal that deep down you believe that money and nice things are the most important things in life (which makes you a cultural materialist) or that you believe that making decisions for yourself, even at some personal cost is far better than following established rules (which means you believe in individual agency)?

  In this assignment, you will choose one of the three debates Miller describes and the conflicting values it represents. Then discuss how that debate represents a dilemma you have experienced, in other words, a debate within yourself. For example, you may have at one point had to decide between money and love. Perhaps on […]