Can you think of other ways that the same concepts have very different meanings in other countries or among cultural groups different than your own?Discuss.

College in the United States refers to the educational institution one attends after high school. In France, however, it refers to the level of education that occurs before high school, which is middle school or junior high school. Breakfast in Puerto Rico will likely include a hot cereal, such as harina de avena (oatmeal) or […]

Examine unstated premises and hidden assumptions that arise from the social, historical, moral, cultural, psychological, or aesthetic contexts in which the primary texts and critical analysis of those texts exist.

Based on your reading of “What Cocktail Parties Teach Us : The Brain Is Wired to Focus on Just One Thing; Which Tasks Are Easier to Combine”Preview the document by Melinda Beck and your viewing of the Frontline episode “Digital Nation”, discuss your experience with multitasking and state your position on the claims made in […]

Discuss how you will use your knowledge of these cultural value orientations, cultural systems, and elements of communication to share the gospel effectively with your friend. (Which of their cultural value orientations should you keep in mind as you try to communicate with them? How will you adjust your communication, your approach to the conversation, and your language in order to best communicate the gospel message?)

In this section, you should introduce the person you have chosen to receive the Gospel message. Answer the following questions in a paragraph or two. (Questions in parenthesis are suggestions to help guide you as you describe the person.) Give details about their identity (What is their age? Ethnicity? Where are they from? What religion […]

How will things such as educational levels, age levels, primary language, cultural diversity, and so forth vary among your target audiences?

Overview: This assignment, requiring background and audience analysis, is the first milestone for the final project. To complete this assignment, you will analyze who the audience is to determine what type of data visualization will create the most impact and provide the most information. Prompt: Scenario: You are working as a data scientist contracted to […]

Have you ever experienced someone misperceive your cultural identity? Why do you think they misperceived you in the way they did?Discuss.

first assignment:Discussion Question #2: This discussion question relates to the lecture on cultural identities, which focuses on how cultural identities are formed and the multiple cultural identities within each person. The lecture states that culture is described as a group of people who share meaning (meaning such as clothing, food, language, music, beliefs, traditions, rituals, […]

Examine the five factors that represent major individual or cultural differences (Individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, time orientation). To what degree do you fit the image of a person from your own country on those dimensions? Could you work with someone with the opposite characteristics? Explain.

Examine the five factors that represent major individual or cultural differences (Individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, time orientation). To what degree do you fit the image of a person from your own country on those dimensions? Could you work with someone with the opposite characteristics? Explain. Directions: Your essay is a self reflection and […]

Using Cameron and Quinn’s (1999) Competing Values Framework Model to explain how you would establish cultural effectiveness in an organization.

Based on your research of Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s (1975) Leadership Style Continuum, in a two-page paper (single-spaced), develop rationale using Cameron and Quinn’s (1999) Competing Values Framework Model to explain how you would establish cultural effectiveness in an organization. Your rationale should consist of the following: (1) what type of leader you are (e.g., boss-centered […]

How important is the biocultural nature of humanity in our evolutionary trajectory? In other words, would we be who we are biologically speaking without cultural behaviors? Why, or why not?

The human eye is often thought of as being a “perfect” organ, but this is not actually the case. Watch the following video, and answer at least one of the questions below. 1. Why is the human eye not “perfect” as some people believe? 2. Why do some species have poorer or better eyesight than […]

What cultural and spiritual issues are evident in this situation? Apply cultural competence to this case

You are working in an ICU where a 16-year-old girl is in critical condition after an auto accident. Her mother comes in and begins to sing, sprinkle tobacco around the bed, hang eagle feathers and crystals around the room, and move her hands back and forth above the girl’s body. The girl’s nurse tells the […]

To be color brave corresponds to which stage of cultural competence?Explain.

Question 1: To be color brave corresponds to which stage of cultural competence? See the PowerPoint and lecture video Question 2: “Do you want me to hire the minority, or do you want me to hire the best person for the job?” This is a question that people often ask when the task is hiring […]