How do the ideas and values in the source differ from the ideas and values of our time?Explain.

Basic Identification 1. What type of source is it? (e.g., newspaper article, map, letter, film, etc.) 2. When was it created? 3. Where was it created? 4. Who created it? Author’s Intent 1. What is the author’s place in society? (profession, status, class, gender, ethnicity, etc.) 2. How might the factors listed above shape the […]

Describe how the two countries are similar in terms of Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions.

International and Intercultural Communication After reviewing section 2.4 of the text titled International and Intercultural Interpersonal Communication, visit The Hofstede Centre (Links to an external site.)  and continue to explore national cultural dimensions. Here you will choose two countries to compare and contrast in terms of cultural dimensions. Develop a two-page, APA-formatted paper that addresses […]

What would the Ethical Relativist argue in regards to the two women killing the infant?

Pange and Matini were two women who lived all their lives in a secluded area of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) belonging to the primitive Kalanga tribe, and had never interacted in any significant way with people outside of the tribe. In 1961 there was a drought in the area, which posed the threat of starvation to […]

Explain,How much discomfort, if any, did you experience? If the situation was uncomfortable, did it affect your communication effectiveness or professionalism?

“Discomfort with Unfamiliar Groups. Try to recall a situation in which you found yourself in a culturally unfamiliar environment (e.g., responding to a call in an ethnically different household or being the only person of your background among a group of people from another cultural or ethnic group). How much discomfort, if any, did you […]

Why do many ethicists and philosophers reject both individual moral relativism and cultural moral relativism?

In this discussion, you will converse about individual and cultural moral relativism, along with the objections to each. The purpose of this discussion is to practice thinking about ethics and philosophy. Use information from assigned texts from this Module to answer these discussion questions. Why do many ethicists and philosophers reject both individual moral relativism […]

How much has your cultural competency changed? What factors hindered your cultural competency in the past?Explain.

Address the following prompts thoroughly, in the given order. You should have a 3- to a 4-slide presentation (excluding the title and the references slides) How much has your cultural competency changed? What factors hindered your cultural competency in the past? How does cultural competency affect a nursing career now or in the future? What […]

What diverse or multicultural experiences (race, color, ethnicity, language, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability) have you had in your life that allowed you to gain respect for oth

Topic: What diverse or multicultural experiences (race, color, ethnicity, language, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability) have you had in your life that allowed you to gain respect for oth Paper details: The “Statement of Purpose” is your opportunity to highlight your personal strengths. It is your opportunity […]

Compare/contrast the first & second versions of the opening song posted in the Orientalist Media folder in BB Course Docs. Why the change? What cultural sterotypes regarding ‘the Orient’ are introduced here?

1.Compare/contrast the first & second versions of the opening song posted in the Orientalist Media folder in BB Course Docs. Why the change? What cultural sterotypes regarding ‘the Orient’ are introduced here? 2.Describe 1) the city of Agrabah (sound familiar?)& its inhabitants 2) the Sultan’s Palace (look familiar?) & its inhabitants. Compare/contrast the two. How […]

Discuss two ways your lens has changed, recently or in the past, in other words, how you have come to appreciate diversity more than before.

opic: Cultural Relativism Paper details: For this discussion after viewing the TEDx Talk, discuss two ways your lens has changed, recently or in the past, in other words, how you have come to appreciate diversity more than before. This can be between you and members of an entirely different culture, or a between you and […]

What does it mean to be a mother, father, parent, daughter, son, child, sister, brother, sibling, woman, man, person? To what extent do these roles require (or assume, expect, impose, demand) the carrying-out of certain functions? To what extent do these roles require (or assume, expect, impose, demand) certain personality traits (be they genuine or affected)?

Duty, gender, family. As they consider the demands of social, legal, political, cultural, religious, etc., obligation (or the absence thereof), figures in Apology, Crito, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone reckon also with the demands of familial, domestic, household, etc., obligation (or the absence thereof). They reckon with the question of how these […]