How does looking through the lens of the humanities affect your understanding of diverse cultural works and the reasons for their creation?

Evaluate the impact of diversity in the study of the humanities by considering the following: How does looking through the lens of the humanities affect your understanding of diverse cultural works and the reasons for their creation? How could learning more about cultural works from other cultures equip you with skills or new perspectives for […]

How does what you learned about your own cultural competency affect how you might approach your role as an advocate?

For this discussion, the textbook readings and articles assigned for this week should also help you to identify a vulnerable population in your own community. Describe the characteristics of this group what makes them vulnerable and utilize at least three scholarly resources to answer one of the following questions for your initial post. 1. Paraphrase […]

Post and describe at least one advantage and one disadvantage of each living arrangement (i.e., independent living, assisted living, and living with an adult child).

Post and describe at least one advantage and one disadvantage of each living arrangement (i.e., independent living, assisted living, and living with an adult child). References: Janike, B. R & Traphagen, J.W. (2009). Transforming the cultural scripts for aging and eldercare in Japan. In J. Sokolovsky, (Ed.), The cultural context of aging: Worldwide perspectives (3rd […]

Do you think that African Americans have made significant progress in their struggle for equality?

Cultural and Social Do you think that universal truths underlie all religious belief? Do you think that the different religious traditions and their different views are incompatible? Why or why not? Do you think that patriarchy (rule by men) and racism are institutionalized in Western philosophy and culture? Why do you think so, or not? […]

Which micro skills do you think would be most effective in helping your client achieve these goals?

Week 6 Assignment: Case Study For this week’s assignment, you will have a chance to practice applying some of the concepts we’ve been learning over the past several weeks.  You will be “introduced” to four different clients, and after selecting two of the clients to focus on, you will address the following: Explain which therapeutic approach or […]

Why is this important in relation to how we see the body on screen.

CHOOSE A DANCE SCENE IN THE MOVIE TO ANALYZE. Criteria to include in your essay: Summarize 1-2 dance scenes in the movie. Interpret a screen dance work within a social, historical, cultural, economic context. Locate and critically evaluate sources of information on screen dance. Use outside sources to back up why the dances are portrayed […]

Do you think there is a way to address that problem-What would you suggest?

Social/Cultural Questions What do you see as the greatest problem in society today? Do you think there is a way to address that problem? What would you suggest? What is your role in making society a better place to live? Do you think individuals are responsible for their “neighbors”? What do you think society has […]

What is the specific goal that you need to meet in improving your cross-cultural management ability?

The paper will be a 6-8 page analysis of three specific goals for improving your personal skill, understanding, or knowledge that you consider most important and attainable for you to improve your cross-cultural management effectiveness.  The paper must include a set of specific, concrete steps that you can take to make improvement in meeting those […]

How does context and purpose affect the way an object is classified?

Context: Art and Craft Instructions First, view the following video, which discusses the difference between art and craft: What’s the Difference Between Art and Craft? Read the following New York Times article on this debate: Beyond Cultural Labeling, Beyond Art Versus Craft Then respond to all parts of the following questions: Discuss the differences between […]