What are some ways a person’s family influences his or her cultural identity?

Cultural differences How are the three deep structure elements interrelated? Are those links the same in every culture? During the chapter, we discussed cultural differences in the perception and treatment of the elderly. Why do you think the differences exist? What are some ways a person’s family influences his or her cultural identity? What do […]

What might be an incorrect assumption that someone could make?

For this assignment, you will examine the ways that cultural expressions influence your daily life. You are welcome to use images in this assignment, however, the written content needs to be at least 750 words. Share three items of cultural expression that influence your life. You may include the item of cultural expression that you […]

What experiences, background, or present challenges might be impacting those scores?

CQ Journal: CQ Assessment Reflection Assignment Instructions Discuss why and how the concept of CQ is relevant to you and your future personal and career goals. Discuss the results of your Cultural Intelligence Assessment. Discuss your strengths and growth areas in each of the four CQ dimensions (Drive, Knowledge, Action, and Strategy). Do you agree […]

Which of his examples do you feel best serve his purpose, and why?

This essay seems to have a delayed topic statement, delivered in paragraph 10 when the author says, There’s now a cultural assumption that everyone must love dogs” (Manjoo 244). What is the author’s purpose? Manjoo uses many examples to develop his main ideas, both that people assume we should love their dogs AND that it’s […]

How would you work with the patient and family/friends to ensure there are no communication problems?

Case Study 4 Answer the following questions per the case study attached: 1. How would you work with the patient and family/friends to ensure there are no communication problems? (Think of specific examples). 2. How would you work with her social worker and caregiver to make sure her needs are met and that all of […]

How would you work with her social worker and caregiver to make sure her needs are met and that all of you (as professionals) are utilizing cultural competency skills?

Case Study 4: Aging and Disabilities Read Chapter 13 case study (pg. 481-482) it may reflect an emerging issue with aging individuals and disabilities. Answer the following questions: 1. How would you work with the patient and family/friends to ensure there are no communication problems? (Think of specific examples). 2. How would you work with […]

Explain, in your own words, why self-determination is critical for individuals with severe disabilities?

Quiz 1-IDEA List and explain the six major principles of IDEA, then briefly describe how each principal impacts students with severe disabilities. Define self-determination and list the four essential characteristics. Explain, in your own words, why self-determination is critical for individuals with severe disabilities? Define what is meant by full-inclusion based on IDEA guidelines and […]

How do you think sociologists used cultural relativism to study cultures that are not familiar?

Nutrition focused physical exam What are your impressions of the Nacirema people? Explain your understanding of the concept “cultural relativism.” How do you think sociologists used cultural relativism to study cultures that are not familiar? 200 word minimum  

Who made the major decisions in your family? Mother?

Cultural and Social Recall as much as you can about your personal family history. Record your answers to the following questions as they apply to the conscious and unconscious learning that took place. It might be interesting to compare your answers to those of someone of a different culture. In general, would your family be […]