Discuss the external threats to the business company’s success.

Discuss the reasons and methods of governments’ intervention in trade (CLO: 1.2) Analyze the effects of culture, politics and economic systems in the context of international business (CLO: 2.1) Carry out effective self-evaluation through discussing economic systems in the international business context (CLO: 3.6)  Report Writing Select any publicly listed Saudi Company that operates in […]

Discuss the gender differences that influence how someone manages stress.

Stress and the Body Stress continues to have a significant impact on health during adulthood. Psychoneuroimmunologists, who studies the relationship between the brain, immune system, and psychological factors, conclude that stress produces three main consequences. Identify the three main consequences of stress. Discuss the cultural factors that may influence the body’s reaction to stress Discuss […]

Explain why cultural proficiency on its own cannot address the issues of health disparities or social determinants of health within a health care organization – examine other initiatives that could be used too

write a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding the title page and reference page(s)) using APA 7th Edition Format and Style. The topic of your paper is ‘addressing health disparities’ Please include the following points in your paper: Explain the term ‘cultural proficiency’ in your own words (remember to cite your references correctly using APA 7th […]

Identify two relevant biases you have or had, and at least one strategy for improving your cultural competency around each of those biases.

Create a simulated (or fictional) case study, concerning a cultural conflict between yourself, working in your area of specialization, and some person or persons, agency/business, or institution. Several points of cultural difference must exist between you and the others involved in this conflict. While the details of your case will be fictional, it must be […]

How did the practice originate-Have you experienced or witnessed this practice in your own life?

write an annotation of the readings attached. Include the following elements for each reading: Summary of the readings (at least two paragraphs) Bulleted list highlighting 2-3 key points and/or questions that the readings raised for you Highlights Tajikistan – Find a map of Tajikistan and attach it with writing. In two sentences, explain the type […]

Compare your chosen works-How do you think each cultural work reflects its time period?

Topic: Cultural work Choose two cultural works that catch your attention, and respond to the prompt below. Prompt Craft your answer with the considerations below. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Choose two cultural works that catch your attention. Identify the name of each cultural work and describe why you chose each one. […]

How do they meet the criteria for a minority group as described by Healey and Stepnick?

Cultural Competence Research Paper: African Americans Students will be expected to write 5 pages (minimum) research paper that will explore a specific cultural population. You will be expected to detail aspects of your population’s Cultural identity, How do they meet the criteria for a minority group as described by Healey and Stepnick?, population demographics in […]

Compare and contrast the possible selves and the stages of reflective judgment theories from the text.

Possible Selves Assessment Description From the perspective of your specific discipline, write a paper of 500-750 words in which you address the following: Discuss strategies for promoting resilience, optimum development, and wellness in adults. Going a step further, discuss ethical issues and cultural strategies that come into play while promoting resilience, optimum development, and wellness […]

What experiences, background, or present challenges might be impacting those scores?

CQ Journal: CQ Assessment Reflection Assignment Review your CQ report and then use the following prompt as a guide to write your journal entry. Discuss why and how the concept of CQ is relevant to you and your future personal and career goals. Discuss the results of your Cultural Intelligence Assessment. Discuss your strengths and […]