Write an essay describing your takeaways, lessons learned, and how visiting these sites has benefitted you.

Utilize your topic of interest identified in week 1(The Role of Nurses in Improving Palliative Care for Culturally Diverse Populations). Test your question with a few trusted peers. Then follow the steps below to perform and build a plan for your topic development. The OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue (owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.html) is an excellent site […]

What is the advantage of working in groups when considering communication in the workplace. Moreover, what is the advantage of working in groups for this particular group presentation assignment?

Group Activity Objectives Explore how aspects of group communication and public speaking will influence the success of your group presentation. This is a group discussion with only the members of your group. Instructions How can you make your topic relevant (culturally, socially, personally) for the audience? Consequently, what can the audience learn from your presentation? […]

How does this case study add to or change your thoughts on leadership and improve your own leadership skills?

Connecting Communication With Culturally Diverse and Inclusive Aspects of Leadership Being able to communicate effectively with colleagues and employees is a key component of a leader’s responsibilities. Leaders are often faced with issues that may question their cultural intelligence and inclusive awareness, and their response may positively or negatively impact a situation or company. What […]

Describe general business practices that should be taken into consideration when conducting business in the selected countries.

Maintaining Supplier Relationships Overview In this module, you have learned about the importance of prioritizing people, whether it be employees, the local community, or customers. In this assignment, you will explore important considerations for culturally competent business practices, which can help strengthen and maintain relationships. Scenario You are a procurement manager working on training a […]

Write a journal reflection that explains the importance of project management in graphic design as well as the ethical responsibilities of a graphic designer.

Write a journal reflection that explains the importance of project management in graphic design as well as the ethical responsibilities of a graphic designer. Also, explain why designers should be culturally, socially, and environmentally aware and sensitive.  

What was your area of greatest learning from your review of these presentations?

Powerpoint presentation replies Reply to at least two of your peers. If a peers’ presentation does not have a response post, make certain that all peers have been responded to. In your reply posts, reflect on how the culturally diverse populations you reviewed influence or impact nursing care now or in the future. What was […]

What are one or more barriers to culturally competent care that are specific to the nurse relationship with pediatric patients?

Week 7 Discussion: Children, Health Policy, and Culturally Competent Care 8 This discussion will explore two components of appropriate health care for pediatric patients: health policy and cultural competence. To create your initial post to this discussion forum, complete the following steps. Step 1: Choose ONE of the following prompts to discuss: 1. Imagine that […]

Discuss the importance or effect of cultural competence in attracting/retaining top employee/physician talent.

Week 4 – 505 How good a job does your healthcare organization do in promoting diversity, equity, and cultural competency? In this discussion, you will evaluate your organization’s performance and develop recommendations for improvement. Read this article Building a Culturally Competent Organization Download Building a Culturally Competent Organization Discuss the importance or effect of cultural […]

What practice of communication do you knowingly do that puts your culture on display?

Topic: Speaking culturally This journal entry is a more general one and responds to the claim that as we communicate we speak culturally. What practice of communication do you knowingly do that puts your culture on display? Using the SPEAKING mnemonic developed by Dell Hymes describe this practice of communication. Using the participants’ point of […]

What would be seen-What would be heard?

Relationship Building For the first part of your paper, provide two researched definitions of negotiation and evaluate whether relationship-building is a substantive part of the definitions. Include a possible edit of a negotiation definition to enhance the place of relationship-building. Defend your edits with research. Next, assess some of the social and economic consequences for […]