If there has been some obstacle or bump in the road in your academic or personal life, please explain the circumstances. How has your family history, culture or environment influenced who you are? Why did you choose to apply to UCF? What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that will allow you to contribute […]
Tag Archives: Culture
Read the two articles below and write a brief summary/response for each.
Language is such an important part of culture…don’t forget, culture is learned and shared…and much of that is through language. We learn both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication, and thus everything from personal space to the ability to discuss a particular topic is shaped and constrained by language. 1.Read the two articles below and […]
Discuss the values and behaviors of the founder-How have those values and behaviors become embedded within the organization culture?
Give an example of a founder who has had a major impact on the culture of the organization that he or she founded. This example may be the founder of your current or past organization, or it may be a famous individual who founded an organization. Discuss the values and behaviors of the founder. How […]
How do definitions/perspectives of deviance differ from culture to culture, group to group, or time period to time period?
Identify and explain at least two perspectives from additional research on deviance. In your explanation, consider how the perspectives address the following: Who gets to define deviance? What gives certain people the authority and/or power to define deviance? How do definitions/perspectives of deviance differ from culture to culture, group to group, or time period to […]
What ways can you see this as being a positive force in an individual’s life – and in what ways can it be problematical?
In this discussion, we are thinking about the big picture: Culture itself, what it truly means, and how it impacts us at a collective and individual level. This activity aligns with module outcomes 1 and 2. Choose one of the following to answer as thoroughly as possibly, using evidence from our readings to support your […]
Identify ways that a leader can effectively communicate their vision and how to improve on listening skills.
Culture and Ethics Paper 1. Explain how strategic vision would apply to an organization for a leader. 2. Identify ways that a leader can effectively communicate their vision and how to improve on listening skills. 3. Explain how motivation can impact leadership. 4. Explain how high ethical standards and ethical leadership apply to organizations on […]
How does a society’s values shape its approach to science? Explain general principles, but illustrate your answer with specific examples as well.
Final exam 1 How does a society’s values shape its approach to science? Explain general principles, but illustrate your answer with specific examples as well. Feel free to discuss any aspect of society (culture, religion, politics, etc.).
What is culture? What affects culture? What effect does culture have on people’s lives.
Using the 4 sources attached answer the following 3 questions in the essay. What is culture? What affects culture? What effect does culture have on people’s lives. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3088916?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/2332649216647747 These 2 links are the other 2 sources that must be used.
Do you think your culture is loose or tight?define key terms citing your text-other professional sources
Discussion 13-Culture and You Throughout this term we have seen how culture acts as a powerful force that shapes idea, behavior, emotion, and relationships. In this discussion,share how you think your expectations, hopes, and interpersonal behaviors have been influenced by your home culture. Are you a collectivist or an individualist? Do you think your culture […]
How can you relate this practice/belief to the larger culture-What does it tell you about your culture in general terms?
Familiar Strange Making the familiar strange assignment: 1. Think carefully about the practices you see around you every day, and/or about beliefs that people express regularly. 2. Can you focus on a belief/practice/ritual etc that you have identified? 3. How would you describe it? Depending on what you have chosen, you might need to observe […]