Describe how your understanding of human cultures has developed since the beginning of the semester. Why do you think the study of the Humanities is important in your role as an ethical global citizen in the world?

1. Describe at least two (2) culturally significant works of art created during the time frame of the course: Prehistory to Renaissance. The works of art can be of any medium, e.g. painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, theater, etc. a. Identify the works’ titles and mediums. From which cultures and time periods did they originate? […]

Determine how to assess the assimilation progress of workers to different people and cultures. Is there acceptance? What are possible roadblocks and obstacles (e.g., language, common terminology, customs, and work ethics). As a consultant, how would you complete this assessment and report results?

Your objective is to determine how to assess the assimilation progress of workers to different people and cultures. Is there acceptance? What are possible roadblocks and obstacles (e.g., language, common terminology, customs, and work ethics). As a consultant, how would you complete this assessment and report results?

Define and explain Cameron and Quin’s cultural dimensions with Hofstede’s dimensions for International Cultures.

Description 1. You need to define and explain Cameron and Quin’s cultural dimensions with Hofstede’s dimensions for International Cultures. 2. You need to explore the advantages and disadvantages of each researchers dimensions. 3. You need then to construct an argument based upon your critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages that argues as to why […]

Discuss Have these norms changed at all now that you are adults? Is there mandated leave from work for fathers in the U.S., and if so, do you think most new fathers would make use of this leave? Do you believe norms for fathering vary within Western culture? How do they differ among other cultures?

Description For the last discussion, I would like for you to think about the role your fathers played in your upbringing (be specific – diaper changing, feeding, meal prep, transportation, getting school supplies, taking to doctor’s appointments, etc.). Described some and then evaluate your experiences with cultural norms for fathering during your childhood. Have these […]

Discuss the pros and cons of a business case approach to diversity Management

Description Strategic People Management Coursework 2 – Individual 3,000 Word Essay (80% of final mark) The essay will require students to apply their knowledge and understanding of relevant theories and concepts. Your essay will be marked according to the marking criteria outlined on pages 19-20 of this module guide. You must choose one of the […]

Explain why every American should know this history and propose how knowing specific parts of this history could help mend race relations in the United States.

Description ** Letter to the editor of your local newspaper** -Prepare a letter to the editor of your local newspaper that would explain to all of America why African American History should be taught in American schools. -Explain why every American should know this history and propose how knowing specific parts of this history could […]

Analyze business issues and events that relate to organizational strategic decision-making in an international business context.

Analyze business issues and events that relate to organizational strategic decision-making in an international business context. Identify the 4 challenges and 4 opportunities that cultural and individual differences bring into the workplace and business environment. Explain the need to operate with civility and cooperation in a complex and diverse international business environment. Identify similarities and […]

Describe your cultural experience. (Where did you go? Who did you talk to? What do you see, hear, smell, taste, feel? Did anything surprise you? What did you most enjoy about the experience? What was the most difficult part?)

After you have completed your cultural experience, use the questions below as a writing prompt for your journal. (Questions in parenthesis are suggestions to help guide your thinking) • Describe your cultural experience. (Where did you go? Who did you talk to? What do you see, hear, smell, taste, feel? Did anything surprise you? What […]

Compare the significance of bureaucratic and priestly classes in the emergence of Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. What factors helped to empower certain groups?

Choose one of the following for the essay prompt. Compare the significance of bureaucratic and priestly classes in the emergence of Mesopotamia, Egypt and China. What factors helped to empower certain groups? Compare and contrast how thinkers in China, South Asia and the Greek city-states began to consider how to improve their societies. How did […]