Defines the underlying protection, security or asset on which the derivative depends.

All derivatives are based on the random performance of something. Identify and discuss this word “something.” You are required to reply to at least two peer answers. These post replies must need to be substantial and constructive. Classmates answer: 1-haya alnaimi The word “something” defines the underlying protection, security or asset on which the derivative […]

Identify the steps you would recommend the organization takes to identify and remediates their problems.

“Research the new Care CMS program that gives patients an Apple watch product, which communicates all of their systemic vitals to their provider. Identify a data quality issue you think this program may face, such as accuracy, accessibility, comprehension, or currency. Identify the steps you would recommend the organization takes to identify and remediates their […]

Write different types of legal and financial considerations that affect the decision of whether to source products and collaborate with other companies across national borders.

Topic: Procurement Strategy & Collaboration Cincinnati Seasonings introduction – The report should be about five pages long, using APA formatting (seventh edition) and a minimum of four references. Include a plan for mitigating the risks associated with international sourcing and recommendations for establishing a positive, effective relationship with the supplier. Include a barriers-and-aids chart, […]

What is the expertise of the author on this topic-What are you basing this on?

This paper must include the following: Title and author(s) of article and the full citation of the article An introduction, three key points from this article, and a conclusion. For each of the key points you should have 1-2 paragraphs for each. The paper should be approximately 1 ½ -2 pages long (single space) When […]

What stock markets are the MNC listed on? Give the stock price at the MNC’s year end and explain any fluctuations in price over the past year.

Analysing a Multinational Corporation What stock markets are the MNC listed on? Give the stock price at the MNC’s year end and explain any fluctuations in price over the past year. Does it appear that the MNC issues stock in foreign countries? What are the main currencies that the MNC uses to conduct its international […]

Discuss What are three risks that may affect future exchange rates in any or all of these countries? How might each of these risks affect your chosen MNC?

Description Each of you has chosen an MNC to cover this term. After researching where your chosen MNC does business, share which 2-4 countries are the most important to the business. If possible, share percentages of revenues attributable to these top countries. What are three risks that may affect future exchange rates in any or […]

Discuss currency exchange

Fluctuations in currency exchange rates can have significant effects on business costs, asset values, and profitability. Therefore, it is important for managers to be familiar with exchange rates and currency considerations and to understand the risks involved in currency exchange. Complete the following: Examine the concept of the exchange rate between the Japanese yen and […]