Summarize Why is a profitable, competition beating, value creating ‘lean’, investable entrepreneurial opportunity? Why should someone invest in and/or provide loan finance to this Lean Start-Up?

Description 1. Introduction to the Lean Start-Up. (250 words). The C level perspective being taken, the Part A process including feedback. Profit, creativity, lean characteristics. 2. Business Objectives. Profit, sales revenue and profit margin objectives for the first three years of operation (250 words). 3. Value Creation: Customer Value Proposition Canvas (Diagram) Minimum Viable Product […]

Explain total customer satisfaction.Explain customer-perceived value.

1. Explain customer-perceived value. 2. Explain total customer satisfaction. 3. What valuable functions can brands perform for a firm? 4. Given that the power of a brand resides in the minds of consumers and how it changes their response to marketing, there are two basic approaches to measuring brand equity. Briefly, describe each of these […]

“Sales representatives should act as if they were on the customer’s payroll.” Evaluate this statement by explaining in your own words what it means and by describing the advantages and disadvantages that may result when a salesperson acts in this manner.

“Sales representatives should act as if they were on the customer’s payroll.” Evaluate this statement by explaining in your own words what it means and by describing the advantages and disadvantages that may result when a salesperson acts in this manner.

Describe the importance of the communication process in the contractor–customer relationship.

Discuss the ethical issues that can arise in contracting. Analyze and discuss the benefits that can arise with contracting. Describe the importance of the communication process in the contractor–customer relationship. Describe the risks and responsibilities in the contractor–customer relationship. edu to locate at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites […]

Describe and discuss the “servicescape” of your business. What elements of the servicescape enhance or detract from service delivery performance and customer satisfaction?

Description I need you to answer the questions in a paragraph form not just a question and an answer. This is the link of the company I want the Paper about, you will find all the info that you need. The Questions are Describe and discuss the “servicescape” of your business. What elements of the […]