Identify if these services are commercial operations owned and operated by the hotel or an independent operation or franchises.

Typically customers who visit an up market al a cate restaurant or a chain hotel dining room have little knowledge how the property is organized. Your job is to visit a large hotel near you, perhaps you are already working in such a location. List the different types and styles of food and beverage service […]

Explain How are we going to distinguish our product from our competitors? What are the benefits that we are going to highlight in our brand that will meet the needs or wants of our target customers?

Now that you’ve analyzed the environmental situation and established who is in the target market, it is time for product development. Product design is crucial because new products are being introduced every day. So, while other people focus on that aspect of development, you turn your attention to branding. Primary Task Response: Be substantive and […]

How does the use of data and information affect the ability of Zappos to manage performance and interact with customers and potential customers?

Reflect upon these questions: How does the use of data and information affect the ability of Zappos to manage performance and interact with customers and potential customers? What specific issues are found in your own organization (or a company of your choice) concerning the use of data and the performance of the organization?

Explain:How do you orient new employees (technical and clerical) to the department?

How do you handle complaints from customers (internal and external)? How do you orient new employees (technical and clerical) to the department? How do you motivate employees? How do you discipline employees? How do you do performance evaluations? What is your process for purchasing new equipment? How do you do prepare for inspections (JCAHO, state […]