Discuss the chances and risks of an increased use of customer data for product customization in the financial industry from the perspectives of customers and companies.

Discuss the chances and risks of an increased use of customer data for product customization in the financial industry from the perspectives of customers and companies. Discuss the issue from a technical, economic and social perspective

Identify at least two distinct elements between the two versions of the sites and discuss why they are significant to cross-cultural marketing.

Cultural and Social Choose a corporate website from the list provided in the International Marketing and Cultural Customization Lesson or choose one on your own that provides consumers the option of selecting a version of the company site for a specific country. Acting as a potential consumer and a cross cultural researcher, identify at least […]

 Explain how companies should make process selection decisions.

Process Selection Contrast and compare the five types of product-flow processes. Describe the differences among order fulfillment processes. Explain how companies should make process selection decisions. Correctly place examples of products on the product-process matrix. Describe the features of focused operations. Discuss the uses of mass customization and 3D printing. Contrast pollution prevention, pollution control […]

What are some of the competitive advantages of concurrent engineering?

What are some of the factors that cause organizations to redesign their products or services? Contrast applied research with basic research. What is CAD? Describe some of the ways a product designer can use it. Name some of the main advantages and disadvantages of standardization. What is modular design? What are its main advantages and […]

What are the criteria used by companies to select the IT projects to be funded?

An organization recently discovered that some members of its sales, accounting, and administration teams did not know how to use spreadsheets. Therefore, this organization hired the service of your company to train its team of sales personnel on Microsoft Excel. You are assigned the task of arranging this training. Create a report in a Microsoft […]

How does the business intend to customize the products-Will it use modular, adjustable, or dimensional customization?

Amanda Bowser Segment of “1” Customers want products that fit their unique needs and desires (Walker & Mullins, 2014). Therefore, it is advantageous for businesses to determine if they are capable of shifting from mass production (same product to everyone) to mass customization (singular product to a single person) (Anderson, 2014). A few customization considerations […]

What is the relationship, if any, between these challenges?

Mass customization and rapid product development were identified as challenges to modern manufacturing operations. What is the relationship, if any, between these challenges? Can you cite any examples? In 200-300 words  discuss how customization has had an impact on business in America today. How has it impacted your life?

What strategies should Multinationals adopt when dealing with economic, social, institutional, organizational, and regulatory constraints in the host countries?

Evaluate Partnership and Alliances, Their Advantages and Disadvantages Many MNCs face different challenges in different regions of the world; while some confront cultural and social barriers, others confront regulatory constraints. Therefore, it is of great importance that Multinationals customize their strategies based on the conditions (cultural, political, social, economic, religion, and institutional settings) of the […]