Explain what is significant with her lab results using the ABG normal values and the nursing mnemonic ROME which was also referenced in week 2 of this course.

Pathophysiology Part 1: Discussion Answer the following questions about the respiratory system, using the included case study, for this week’s discussion. Explain what ARDS is. Explain what is significant with her lab results using the ABG normal values and the nursing mnemonic ROME which was also referenced in week 2 of this course. Explain what […]

What are three additional history questions you might ask regarding her mobility?

Remediation Exam 3 Define the following terminology Cyanosis Stupor Erythema Exudate Sanguineous Serosanguinous Lethargic Xerosis Pruritis Palor Supination Pronation Presbyopia Nystagmus Photophobia Cranial Nerves-Below write the cranial nerve and provide a unique example on how to assess each cranial nerve. Provide a description of the following Wound stages (describe exudate and thickness) Describe the different […]