What are the ethically significant harms that may result from emerging technologies such as blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning?

Part 6: Ethics In Cybersecurity Part 6 Ethical issues are at the core of what we do as cybersecurity professionals. Think of the example of a cyber defender working in a hospital. They are charged with securing the network, medical devices, and protecting sensitive personal health information from unauthorized disclosure. They are not only protecting […]

How might the Marine Corps be able to use their existing workforce to deal with their need for cyber-personnel?

Case: U.S. MARINE CORPS read the case “U.S. MARINE CORPS” from Chapter 10 “Ability” Page: – 326 given in your textbook  Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (7th ed).  by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021) and Answer the following Questions: Assignment Question(s): Identify and describe the types […]

What are top five issues in terms of managing and protecting IT infrastructure?

Privacy, Cyber Security, IT Infrastructure, BPR, BI, Ethical and Legal Issues Part 1. Imagine you are running an online retail business. 1. How would you protect your customer’s privacy? Why is it important? Be specific. 2. Now, think about how you can protect your business and customers from cyber threats. What type of cyber security […]

Search the Internet for digital forensics training, select two courses/certifications and explain how they can help maintain proficiency as a Cyber Forensics Expert.

Digital Forensic Training W8: Proficiency of a Cyber Forensics Expert Search the Internet for digital forensics training, select two courses/certifications and explain how they can help maintain proficiency as a Cyber Forensics Expert. Be sure to provide the link for other students to review and bookmark as a resource.

Identify the company, why it was held ransom & what could/should have prevented it?

Conduct Internet research and identify a company that was recently held for Cyber-ransom, of any kind. Identify the company, why it was held ransom & what could/should have prevented it? Did the company pay a ransom? Who was responsible for the decision to pay/not pay? Was the decision to pay ethical? (To pay or not […]

What might the company do to prevent future cyberattacks?

Select a national or international organization that has suffered from a cyber attack. Then, address the following requirements: Provide information about your organization (e.g., mission, vision, values, purpose, and industry). Explain the nature of the cyber attack that occurred. Provide specific details about what happened and the impact of the cyber attack. Do you believe […]

Select one “headache” from the Crusius (2017) article and describe its implications on small businesses seeking to contract with government entities.

Week 1 Post 2 Select one “headache” from the Crusius (2017) article and describe its implications on small businesses seeking to contract with government entities. You may also select another “headache” that encounter in your research. Examples may include recent executive orders, supply chain issues, cyber security requirements, etc.